My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1430 The more I think about it, the bigger my head feels

"It's just a casual cultivator, what is there to worry about?" Qiu Qianjian said disapprovingly. No matter how you say it, Nanli Sect is also a middle-grade sect. As an elder of the sect, how could he put such a small casual cultivator in his eyes.

"Although she is just a casual cultivator, don't forget that her good sister Luo Enen is the disciple of the Supreme Elder. In terms of seniority, she is not inferior to the two elders." Chang Yingrong said.

"So what?" Chang Wanjian frowned and asked.

"Could it be that the two elders have forgotten that our Nanli Sect has yet to establish a suzerain. Originally, the position of suzerain either fell into the hands of Fazong or Jizong, but now that Luo Enen is back, With her status, she is also qualified to compete for the position of suzerain." Chang Yingrong said.

Hearing these words, the two elders felt a click in their hearts. Chang Yingrong was right. Originally, the suzerain position fell into the hands of Ji Zong or Fa Zong. No matter who it fell into, the meat would always rot in the pot, but now that Luo Enen came back , is also eligible to compete for the position of suzerain. The meat may not rot in the pot.

"Nephew Yingrong, think too much. From my point of view, Luo Enen shouldn't have such ambitions." Qiu Qianjian said with a smile.

"That's right, you little uncle is a little tricked, but you don't have any intentions. I think you are worrying too much." Chang Wanjian also smiled, shaking his head and said.

They have lived such an old age, and they ask themselves that they still have a good eye for seeing people. Can't they see if Lonen has ambitions?

"It's hard to say. Even if Luo Enen doesn't have one, doesn't Gu Fenghua have one? She's just a casual cultivator. If she has no background, no resources, who can guarantee that she won't be tempted by our Nanli Sect's foundation?" Chang Ying Rong said with a sneer.

"Yingrong, how much do you really know about Gu Fenghua?" Hearing what she said, Chang Wanfa was really worried. In Wuji Shengtian, it is as difficult for a casual cultivator to get out of the sky, so it would be perfectly normal for Gu Fenghua to have Nanlizong's idea.

"This person looks gentle and simple on the surface, but in fact he has a deep scheming and despicable means, and he will use any means to achieve his goals. I have never seen such a brazen person!" Chang Yingrong said through gritted teeth, and kept pouring dirt on Gu Fenghua's body. water.

"Is this person really so unbearable?" Chang Wanfa's expression became serious.

"Third Uncle, don't you believe my words? This Gu Fenghua stays in our Nanli Sect, sooner or later there will be trouble, and we must drive her out of the sect as soon as possible." Chang Yingrong said firmly.

"Get out of the sect? I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult." Qiu Qianjian said with a wry smile.

Even a blind person can see how deep the friendship between Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen is. In order to stand out for her, Luo Enen can even give up her life. If she is really going to be kicked out of Nanlizong, Luo Enen will not be a genius It's weird. It was not easy for this little ancestor to go to Qingxi Valley to set up his own family. They really didn't want to make troubles.

"If you don't stop, you will be subject to chaos. The two elders, this matter cannot be delayed." Chang Yingrong pretended to be heartbroken and said, and almost didn't recommend her with blood.

"Let us think again, think again, this matter involves your little uncle, we must come up with a perfect plan. It's getting late, you go back and rest first." The more Chang Wanfa thought about it, the more he felt dizzy , said rubbing his forehead.

"Then I'll take my leave first. This matter is related to my Nanli Sect's Wannian foundation. The two elders must not be careless." Chang Yingrong bowed respectfully and walked towards the residence.

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