My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1441 She Rolls Her Eyes Often

"Now you know how domineering my Yaomu cauldron is." Gui Yezi said triumphantly. He had to admit that he was indeed proud of being able to refine such a pill furnace.

"If it can be refined completely and become a divine weapon capable of both offense and defense, it will be even more domineering." Gu Fenghua said with a sigh. As an alchemy furnace, the Yaomu cauldron was already impeccable, but when she thought that refining it could completely become a divine weapon capable of both offense and defense, she still felt a little regretful.

"It's your turn after the refinement is complete?" Gui Yezi muttered angrily after Gu Fenghua poured a basin of cold water on his head.

If he had the ability to completely refine the alchemy furnace back then, he would have blasted the Yaohun wood so that there was no residue left. How could he have been trapped in the Biluo Valley for so many years? Had to hide in the alchemy furnace space to save his life. If he really refined it completely, Gu Fenghua would have nothing to do with it, and Zhentian Ding would not be renamed Yaomu Ding.

It's a pity that there are not so many ifs in the world. The fact is that he failed to refine the alchemy furnace in the end, and was trapped in the alchemy furnace space. Dou Yong did not win! It's so miserable that she often rolls her eyes because of her choking.

Hearing his angrily muttering, Gu Fenghua knew that he had accidentally hurt the old man's fragile self-esteem, so he stuck out his tongue and didn't continue to hurt it.

"Sage Pill, you are Sage Pill!" At this moment, Han Yangshu stared at Gu Fenghua and exclaimed in disbelief, his voice trembled slightly because of excitement.

Do you still need to ask? Where is the Taihe Xuan Huan Dan left by some sages and strong men, it must have been refined by Gu Fenghua himself. My God, Gu Fenghua's alchemy attainment is so high? !

"What alchemy?" Gu Fenghua asked strangely.

"What you used just now is the legendary method of combining alchemy. It is said that only when the attainment of alchemy reaches the state of perfection, can you master this method of combining alchemy, and once you master the method of combining alchemy, it will no longer be Ordinary sage alchemist, but is honored as sage alchemy.

If you can refine the holy pill that replaces the mysterious medicinal materials by the method of combining alchemy, you will be a first-rank alchemy. If you can refine the yellow-rank holy pill that can replace heavenly medicinal herbs, you will be a second-rank medicinal herb. The most mysterious herb is the third-rank alchemy.

By analogy, if one can refine a heaven-ranked holy pill that replaces the emperor-grade herb, it will be a ninth-ranked holy pill. "Han Yangshu said with fascination.

"In other words, I'm considered a second-rank alchemist?" Although it sounded a bit awkward, Gu Fenghua still understood.

This is the first time she has heard that Wuji Shengtian still has the idea of ​​Pill Sage. Although the level of the Dry Emotion Pill she refined is a little lower, it is only a yellow rank. Even if she becomes a Pill Sage, she can only be regarded as a second rank Dansheng, but at least with the word holy, it sounds very cool.

"That's right. I heard these things mentioned by my great-grandfather when I was young. Even in the Nanli sect, most people don't know the origin of the alchemy." Han Yangshu replied proudly.

To be able to overwhelm Fang Yunan in previous competitions, of course he was not born as an ordinary person, and there was a strong man among his ancestors, but his descendants were mediocre, and his family fortune gradually declined, but the family history is there. When it comes to knowledge, he is still much better than other outer disciples.

It was only then that Gu Fenghua knew that the Alchemy of Wuji Shengtian was so transcendent that even ordinary people had never heard of it. Tsk, is it so cowhide!

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