My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1443 This Misunderstanding Is Absolutely Absolute

Having seen Gu Fenghua's alchemy with his own eyes, if he still can't guess how her Taihe Xuan Huandan came about, he is the biggest idiot in the world. Thinking about how I gave her the Xuanxue Pill back then, for fear of hurting her self-esteem, and deliberately pretended to be disapproving, Han Yangshu was even more ashamed, wishing he could dig a hole in the ground and let it go.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you, but..." Gu Fenghua remembered that he had concealed the origin of Taihe Xuan Huan Dan before, and lied that it was a relic of a sage and strong man. Excuse me.

"I understand, I understand everything." Without waiting for Gu Fenghua to explain, Han Yangshu said in an understanding manner.

Back then, when they saw Gu Fenghua's strength, they were astonished as heavenly beings, and they were terrified and terrified in front of her. If they knew her alchemy skills, how could they maintain a normal heart? Gu Fenghua also wanted to understand this point, so he had to deliberately conceal her alchemy skills. It can be seen from this that she sincerely regards them as friends, and she does not want to make a difference between superiority and inferiority because of their strength.

He obviously has a good cultivation base and such shocking alchemy attainments, but he does not look above the top because of this, but maintains a normal heart and talks about friendship with their peers. This kind of mind makes Han Yangshu admire even more endlessly.

Seeing that Han Yangshu's expression was still calm, and he didn't become panicked by seeing his alchemy skills, Gu Fenghua stopped explaining.

"Enen, did your master tell you how effective this Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill is, and is there any harm in taking it?" Gu Fenghua looked at the Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill and asked.

She could feel that it was probably because the Xuanxinhua was replaced by the Kuqing Pill. The power of this holy pill is not strong, and Luo Enen and Han Yangshu's strength can bear it, but after all, they have never been in contact with it before. I don't know how effective the pill is, and if there is anything wrong with it, so I am somewhat worried and dare not let them take it lightly.

"I didn't say that, you'll know if you try it." Luo Enen picked up the holy pill and threw it into his mouth.

"Uh, as expected of my junior uncle, he acts so resolutely and courageously." Han Yangshu looked at Luo Enen in surprise and admiration.

He didn't dare to take this kind of holy pill, which he had never heard of before, but seeing other people's junior uncles, they took it without hesitation and swallowed it. Such courage, he simply admired him.

Otherwise, why did the Supreme Elder choose her instead of himself? Sure enough, there was a reason. Han Yangshu thought so.

Gu Fenghua was covered in cold sweat and remained silent, she acted swiftly and courageously, she was greedy, okay? This misunderstanding is really absolute! Without Fatty Bai by his side, this foodie of Luo University is really greedy. He can put the holy pill that he has never heard of in his mouth casually, and Gu Fenghua is convinced to death.

"How is it?" Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen with some concern.

"The taste is a bit weak, it might be better to add some sugar." Lonen smacked his lips and replied.

"I'm asking about Dan Xiao, Dan Xiao!" Gu Fenghua couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted frantically. I'm asking about Danxiao, who asked you about the taste, do you really think you're eating jelly beans!

"Dan Xiao, it doesn't seem like there's anything special about it." Only then did Luo Enen realize that his thoughts had gone astray, and said embarrassingly.

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