My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1445 This matter really is very sad

Seeing that Luo Enen passed out from crying, Gu Fenghua was also a little worried. He stepped forward to help her up, and was about to reach out to check, but Luo Enen suddenly opened his eyes, turned over and sat up.

That movement was as sudden as a fake corpse, which surprised Gu Fenghua.

"Enen, are you alright?" Gu Fenghua asked tentatively, seeing that there was nothing unusual about Luo Enen other than a slightly dazed expression.

"It's okay, what can I do?" Luo Enen shook his head vigorously and asked strangely.

"Little uncle, don't you remember what happened just now?" Han Yangshu's expression was even weirder than hers. Seeing the little uncle rolling his eyes and crying faintly on the ground, he was so worried that he was dying, but the others woke up in a blink of an eye, and it seemed that nothing happened, as if nothing had happened.

Wouldn't it be that the mental stimulation is too great, and you will be insane? Han Yangshu thought suspiciously.

"I remember, why don't I remember, the effect of this Zhengyi Xuan Shen Dan is really strange, I am very happy after taking it, I am happier than buying it in Lanshan City for three days without bargaining.

Then suddenly I couldn't help being angry, so angry that I wanted to kill someone. I have been tricked so many times before, and I have never been so angry.

And then there is sadness, so sad that people can't wait to find a rope and hang themselves. That feeling, how should I put it, is like you go to the city to buy delicious food with a lot of money, and the result is, what kind of chestnuts, what kind of flower cakes , all sold out, there is nothing left, tell me, how sad should that be? "Recalling the joy, anger and sorrow just now, Luo Enen said to Han Yangshu with joy.

The corners of Gu Fenghua and Han Yangshu's mouths twitched at the same time. Well, I have to admit that Miss Luo gave a very vivid example. Apart from buying, buying, and buying, she just ate and ate. Put yourself in the situation and think about what she said. Her emotions are all sympathetic.

"Then, you haven't been affected?" After all, Luo Enen's previous appearance was too terrifying, making people feel hairy just thinking about it, Han Yangshu was still a little worried.

"What effect can it have? It feels like a strange dream. I will forget it after a while. I can't be better now. By the way, let alone, the effect of this Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill is really good. I feel that my god Nian is much stronger than before, ho ho ho ho ho..." Luo Enen laughed ostentatiously, but there were still drops of crystal tears hanging on his face.

Gu Fenghua secretly admired it, as expected of Luo Enen, who was born in a small hole but was still alive and well with a strong mentality and vitality. He was laughing and crying just now, looking for death and life, and he was all right so soon, and started to tremble again. .

"Look at the sword manual, can you comprehend it now?" Gu Fenghua interrupted Luo Enen's strange smile, and stuffed the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword manual into her hand.

Luo Enen opened the sword manual and pondered it carefully, the light in his eyes became clearer than ever.

After a long time, she raised her head, concentrated for a moment, drew out her long sword, and slashed slowly.

Although her movements were extremely slow, there was clearly an afterimage clone beside her, and as the sword glow passed by, a thunderbolt also descended from the sky, making a thunderous explosion.

"Hahahaha, I've learned it, I've really learned it." Lornen cheered loudly.

Although she had only practiced Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder for a few days before, she spent those few days forgetting to eat and sleep, and tried her best, but in the end she got nothing. Many incomprehensible points suddenly became clear, and the first stage of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword was easily understood.

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