talent? Han Yangshu looked at Luo Enen speechlessly. If I remember correctly, she also learned the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword with the help of Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill, and it was only the first stage, so how could she know what talent she had? . This little uncle seems really thick-skinned.

"By the way, remember to call Siqin and Le'er." Gu Fenghua put away the pile of herbs, and said to Han Yangshu as he walked out.

Anyway, helping one is also helping, and helping three is also helping, she doesn't want to treat one more than another.

At this time, Gu Fenghua would never have imagined that her decision on the spur of the moment would cause such a storm in the Nanli Sect.


"Yingrong, what's wrong with Luo Enen these few days?" Chang Wanfa asked a little uneasy on Shengfa Peak.

Originally, in his opinion, Luo Enen was a master who had no ambitions to eat and wait to die. Although he was a bit tricked, he was not a threat to him, but after hearing Chang Yingrong's words last time, he began to worry .

Because of the Supreme Elder, Luo Enen's position in the Nanli Sect is extremely detached. If she also wants to be the suzerain, it's not like she has no chance. Maybe, Fazong and Fazong fought back and forth, but in the end they made a wedding dress for her.

"Third Uncle, I was just about to report to you. Luo Enen took Gu Fenghua and Han Yangshu to Zangshu Pavilion." Chang Yingrong curled her lips and said resentfully.

Where is Zangshu Pavilion? That is the foundation of Nanli Sect. Even her inner disciple can go there if she wants to. She only has the chance once every three years. Gu Fenghua is a casual cultivator and an outsider. Why go to Zangshuge?

"Gu Fenghua, what is she doing in Zangshu Pavilion?" Chang Wanfa frowned.

"What else can we do? It's nothing more than coveting the secrets of our Nanli sect's exercises. Third Uncle, this Gu Fenghua has a lot of ambitions. He has only been here for a few days, and he has started thinking about our secrets of exercises. If he doesn't Drive her away early, and don't know what to do next?" Chang Yingrong fanned the flames without losing the opportunity.

Although she spoke in a cryptic manner, her meaning could not be more clear. In the next step, Gu Fenghua might have the idea of ​​becoming the suzerain. Anyway, Luo Enen has no heart, and encouraged her to win the suzerain position. What is the difference between being suzerain and Gu Fenghua himself?

"She dares!" Chang Wanfa was furious, slapped the table and stood up.

"Third Uncle..." Seeing that Chang Wanfa was finally aroused, Chang Yingrong took a step back and pretended to be frightened, but his heart was filled with joy.

"Tell me the handwriting, Gu Fenghua, a mere casual cultivator, dared to set foot in the library, broke my clan rules, and was expelled..." Chang Wanfa began to write the handwriting while speaking.

Chang Yingrong was startled at first, and then she was overjoyed: Well, now Gu Fenghua can finally drive out of Nanlizong.

It's a pity that when Chang Wanfa wrote the last few words, he suddenly let out a long sigh, dropped his pen, and tore the half-written manuscript to pieces.

"What's wrong, Third Uncle?" Chang Yingrong asked in disappointment and strangeness.

"Hey, Luo Enen is the only disciple of the Supreme Elder. As long as there are no major mistakes, it is a matter of course to become one of the three elders of our Nanli Sect. Even if you bring an outsider to the Zangshu Pavilion to observe for a while, it is not a violation of the clan rules. Besides, if I expelled Gu Fenghua from the Nanli sect, I would definitely tear myself apart with Luo Enen. The Supreme Elder’s body is still alive, if I turn against her so soon, I’m afraid it will be difficult to convince everyone if people criticize her.” Chang Wanfa said helplessly.

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