"Juju's ability is great. She can help me. You are all asleep this time, thanks to Juju for helping me. Didn't you say you love your master forever? Is that how you love me? Juju is my savior." Gu Fenghua is educating the two brats. She knew that these two bear children were very possessive, and she also knew that her position in their hearts was very important, so she persuaded them with reason and emotion.

The two brats drooped their heads and fell silent. If it's just a good-looking cute pet, then they probably have to jump up. However, protecting the master, this...

"I know it's my fault. I shouldn't have accepted demon pets behind your back when you were asleep. I won't do this in the future. Well, we will do this in the future, and we will definitely tell you and discuss with you in the future, okay?" Gu Fenghua finished criticizing the brat, and now he's coaxing him again. Alas, it's not easy to take care of children, and it's even more difficult to take care of bear children.

"Really?" The two brats raised their heads abruptly. Qianjian's flower plate is spinning excitedly, and the little bear cub's two small eyes are shining brightly.

"Really, really." Gu Fenghua nodded, "But you can't make trouble unreasonably, you should be obedient. Now Juju is our own. You should love it more, it is still very small."

"What do you know?" Jianjian pointed at Juju with a vine, and asked arrogantly.

"I, hiccup, I, I can create illusion formations, I can create illusions." Ju Ju hiccupped while crying, and said weakly.

"It's still useful, so let's listen to the two of us in addition to listening to the master's words. I'll let you stay." Jianjian assumed the attitude of the boss and began to lecture, "Call me the boss from now on. Call him number two."

Hearing these words, Gu Fenghua felt that the name was a bit inappropriate. Hey, stop, stop, don't think in crooked places, be serious.

"Well, boss, second child." Jiao Juju called out to the two bear children obediently with a crying voice.

"That's more or less the same." Jianjian nodded her face, and Cub nodded reluctantly.

"Then you should get along well. Juju is a girl, that is, a younger sister. You two brothers should take good care of your younger sister." Gu Fenghua felt relieved when he saw that the matter was settled. Taking delicious food for the three demon pet babies and putting them aside for them to eat together can be regarded as cultivating feelings.

Jianjian and Cub nodded vigorously.

Luo Enen looked at the harmonious appearance of the three demon pets eating together, and winked at Gu Fenghua: "Is everything settled?"

"Well, let's eat, it's settled." Gu Fenghua nodded.

When Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were eating, the three got together and communicated secretly.

"Forget it, we signed the contract and saved the master. We don't care about you anymore. But you have to be obedient in the future." Jianjian waved her vine again to educate Jiaoju.

"Listen to us from now on, we will still cover you. Also, we must be consistent with the outside world in the future, and we can no longer let the master accept other demon pets." Little Bear Cub added, saying the most critical and important point.

Jiaoju fluttered her big eyes, and there were still tears in them. Hearing what Little Bear Cub said, he was a little dazed.

"You are so stupid!" said the education who hated iron and steel, "I ask you, do you like master?"

"I like it, of course I like it very much." Jiaoju first replied that she liked it, and then remembered the barbecue made by the master, and added, "I love the master for the rest of my life."

"Then do you want many monsters to share the master with you? Do you want the master's roasted meat to be shared with many monsters? Do you want the master to sleep with other monsters in his arms?" Jianjian tempted.

"I don't want to!" Jiao Juju heard it, her eyes were full of panic, her little head shook like a rattle.

"That's it. In the future, the three of us must be the same to the outside world, and we will beat anyone who wants to post it. Do you understand?" Jianjian continued to brainwash.

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