My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1460 You Can't Do Such a Stupid Thing

"Why am I protecting her? This person is so ambitious that he doesn't care about the two of us at all. I also want to teach her a lesson and let her know that Nan Zongli is not her turn to be crazy. However, one day Don't forget this thing." Chang Wanfa said angrily.

"What's the matter?" Qiuqianjian asked suspiciously.

"Luo Enen's actions seem like Meng Lang's, but she is extremely scheming. Think about it, she didn't formally start accepting apprentices, she just taught juniors to practice. No matter whether she has the strength or not, she is totally have this qualification.

It is unreasonable for us to hit the door like this. If we are not careful, we will be called jealous and bullying our junior sisters. On the contrary, it is unpopular. Let alone outsiders, even our own disciples will look down on us. So, if we do this, maybe it is falling into her arms, she has dug a hole for us to jump down. "Chang Wanfa said with a deep face.

If it was before, he wouldn't bother reminding Qiu Qianjian that he was willing to offend people and destroy his name and let him go, but now the two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope. Watching the swing sword fall headlong into the pit.

"That's right, don't tell me I haven't thought of it yet, thanks to your reminder." Qiu Qianjian stopped in his tracks, also showing a pensive look.

Although Luo Enen stole the limelight from the two elders, they did not formally accept apprentices. They were just giving advice in name, and it was not a violation of the rules. Li didn't know what to think of the two of them.

Originally, Luo Enen's reputation in the Nanli Sect was getting higher and higher. When the time comes, the reputation of the two of them will only get worse and worse. Luo Enen wants to be the suzerain a little more Odds.

You can't do such a stupid thing!

Fortunately, Chang Wanfa was scheming, and he really couldn't think of such a devious way. The more Qiu Qianjian thought about it, the more frightened he became, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I don't think Luo Enen has such a scheming plan, it's probably because Gu Fenghua is behind the scenes." Qiu Qianjian wiped his forehead and said resentfully.

I can't blame them for looking down on Luo Enen. She is really heartless and lazy to use her brain. She will never think of such a conspiracy. But they put everything on Gu Fenghua, and they are completely judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

In fact, Gu Fenghua never imagined that his kindness to help Han Yangshu and the others improve their strength would cause such a big commotion, and make the two elders think of so many twists and turns as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Elder Qiu is right. This Gu Fenghua is indeed sinister and despicable, vile and shameless, and will do anything to achieve his goals!" Chang Wanfa nodded and said. These words were originally put on Gu Fenghua's head by Chang Yingrong in order to splash dirty water, but Chang Wanfa completely believed it at this moment.

"Then what should we do, should we just let her mess around like this?" Qiu Qianjian said unwillingly.

"Of course not, the sect has its own rules, how can we let her go on like this!" Chang Wanfa said firmly.

In fact, Luo Enen has been messing around all the time. From the first day she came back, Nanlizong has never been clean again, but at that time he never mentioned any rules and regulations, and now he mentions it because of Luo En En has shown his "ambition" and threatened their suzerainty.

Of course, it's good for everyone to know this matter well, but no one speaks out foolishly.

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