My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1463 You are here to mess things up (plus more)

I remember the first time I heard the little uncle said that he wanted to practice in actual combat, everyone was scrambling to be the first, and the disciple who was selected by her was even more flattered, but afterward, they knew how ruthless and shameless this little uncle was. , How despicable, how shameless.

In her dictionary, there is no word for credit at all. Anyway, she is a junior uncle. She beats up whenever she wants, and stops when she wants.

Even though they knew that the little martial uncle's actual combat was indeed beneficial for them to understand the holy law of sword skills, but when they thought of those classmates who were tortured to death by her and wanted to cry without tears, everyone still feared this little martial uncle like a snake.

"Is there no one? Then I will choose." Seeing that no one responded, Luo Enen was disappointed, and looked around in the crowd... Well, this one has already been bullied, and it is meaningless to bully him again. I've watched him fight for a few days, he's a bit stronger, but he's not fun to bully, this one is too weak, he's not fun to bully, this one... this one...

Seeing that Luo Enen began to choose the target of abuse, everyone was silent, desperately hiding their heads behind their companions, and those caught by her eyes wanted to hang their heads in the sockets of their legs.

"Oh, thanks to the fact that you are still disciples of the sect, why are you so useless, what do you all look like because you are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Seeing their trembling appearance, Luo Enen was even more disappointed. They haven't done it yet, and they're all so frightened that their hands and feet go limp. What's the fun in bullying them then?

Hearing this, everyone in the audience showed grief and indignation: You are not greedy for life, and you are not afraid of death, so don't use your status as uncle to oppress us.

"Since no one is coming, let me come." At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the audience.

"You are..." Finally someone is willing to take the initiative to seek abuse, Luo Enen is very relieved, but looking at the person again, it's a bit strange. This person is not very old, but his aura is obviously much calmer than others, and there is clearly a bit of resentment in his eyes, and he feels that the person who came is not good.

"I'm Ji Yingshi, a disciple of the Fazong, and I've met my junior uncle." The young man bowed perfunctorily and said.

"I've met Senior Brother Ji, I've met Senior Brother Ji." The surrounding outer disciples saluted one after another, with expressions of awe.

In the past few years, Ji Yingshi has been teaching the cultivation of Fazong's outer disciples. Although he is called a senior brother, he is actually acting as a master. Given his age and seniority, Chang Wanfa valued him so much, and the other senior brothers had no objection, so it can be seen how extraordinary his aptitude, understanding and strength are. Therefore, not only in Fazong, but even in Jizong, Ji Yingshi has a very high prestige.

"So you are Ji Yingshi, what are you doing here?" Luo Enen also heard of Ji Yingshi's name, and asked with a frown.

"Of course I'm here to ask my little master about the holy sword technique." Ji Yingshi said.

"Ask me? Are you kidding?" Lonen pouted and asked sarcastically.

She would never believe that, in the name of Ji Yingshi, she would lower her figure and ask her for advice.

"As a junior, how dare you make fun of my junior uncle. Presumably my junior uncle also knows that I have always been guiding the practice of the disciples of the Fazong's outer sect on behalf of the master. I came to Qingxi Valley to ask my junior uncle for advice. I have failed my master's entrustment, and I feel extremely ashamed, so I also came here to ask my junior uncle to see how many shortcomings I, Ji Yingshi, have." If Ji Yingshi's previous performance was reluctant If it's still respectful, the smell of gunpowder in the back is getting stronger and stronger.

"What are you asking for advice? Are you here to mess things up?" Luo Enen said disapprovingly. The words are so clear, and she is not stupid, how could she not guess his purpose.

"I don't dare, so please ask my little uncle for advice!" Ji Yingshi was too lazy to talk nonsense, put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and walked straight towards Luo Enen.

Seeing this, the disciples in the audience quickly retreated to make way for a passage.

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