My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1469 Isn't this slap in the face enough?

"Yingrong, don't be rude to the little uncle. The little uncle is also kind, but he is too young and a little ignorant." Chang Wanfa glared at Chang Yingrong and said, but his eyes were full of admiration.

There were some things that they couldn't say too clearly, it was much more appropriate for Chang Yingrong to say it out, and he just followed his tone, taking the opportunity of reprimanding her to sneer a few words. This face was beaten with depth and strength, it was perfect.

Being ridiculed by them, Lornen's already pale face turned even paler with anger, and his eyes could almost burst into flames.

"Forget it, let's end today's business, little junior sister, cultivate yourself well, and you must not behave like this in the future, and don't learn from others to open the altar to teach skills. This time we came in time. Next time, you You may not have such good luck." Seeing that the face is almost beaten, Luo Enen has also been bullied by Ji Yingshi and her reputation has been discredited. It is estimated that even if someone comes to ask for advice in the future, she will not dare to teach skills in an artful way. Chang Wanfa prepares leave.

Hearing this, the disciples in the audience all looked depressed. They also knew that after losing such a big face, the little uncle would never be able to raise his head again, and naturally it would be impossible to explain the holy law of sword skills to them again.

"Two elders, please stop. Didn't Nephew Ji come to ask Enen for advice? Enen hasn't finished talking yet, how can he leave?" At this moment, Gu Fenghua said suddenly.

"What!" Not only Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian, but everyone present were stunned.

Even a blind person can see that Luo Enen's holy energy is on the verge of being exhausted, and if he continues to fight, he will undoubtedly lose. It is the best choice to give up, but Gu Fenghua is not reluctant and wants to continue. Put Lonen on the fire?

You must know that she is Luo Enen's best friend and sister. Could it be that not only father is used to cheat, but sisters are also used to cheat?

Not to mention other people, even Luo Enen himself was a little strange. With Gu Fenghua's eyesight, it is impossible not to see her situation at this time, why let her continue? But Luo Enen can be sure of one thing, Gu Fenghua will never harm anyone if he harms himself, and she must have her intentions in doing so.

"Why, Nephew Ji is scared, don't worry, your Uncle Luo is just giving you some random tricks, it won't hurt you." Before others could figure out what was going on, Gu Fenghua took a few steps forward and came In front of Luo Enen, with his hands behind his back and his head raised, he said disdainfully to Ji Yingshi.

Seeing that Gu Fenghua was full of style, he seemed to be an elder, and dared to call himself nephew, Ji Yingshi became angry for no reason, and cursed inwardly: Who are you, you, a mere casual cultivator, dare to call me nephew, you are so shameless!

As an elite insider who is qualified to pass on his skills as a teacher, Ji Yingshi certainly has his pride. In his opinion, Gu Fenghua's move is clearly a contempt for him and a humiliation to him!

If it were someone else, Ji Yingshi would have rushed up and beat him to the ground, but Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen are like sisters, and if she hurts her, they will definitely turn against Luo Enen completely, and he doesn't know what the master means, so he doesn't It's so bad, I can only swallow this breath first, and leave everything to the master.

Chang Wanfa and Qiu Wanjian's faces were also very ugly. Gu Fenghua called Ji Yingshi his nephew, so wouldn't he be on the same level as them, why?

You must know that they are the elders of Nanli Sect, but she is just a casual cultivator, what qualifications does she have to be equal to them? This Gu Fenghua, relying on Luo Enen's backing, is becoming more and more unruly. It seems that this slap in the face is not enough.

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