My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1475 slap in the face and hit back

Although she didn't have any scheming, she wasn't stupid either. How could she fail to understand the implication of Chang Wanfa's previous words? The reason why Ji Yingshi dared to go all out was because of his hint. If she hadn't taken Gu Fenghua's Zhengyi Xuan Shendan that she had just refined, finally broke through the bottleneck, and comprehended the Nine Heavens Illusory God Sword to the second stage, she would have probably been injured by Ji Yingshi's hands by now, and she would have lost all face.

Since the old man had such a vicious mind, of course she would not save him any face, her smile was full of sarcasm.

"Hehe, Junior Sister is also very kind, how could I blame you?" Chang Wanfa said with a dry laugh.

Originally, I wanted to teach Luo Enen a lesson, so that her reputation would be completely discredited, but who knew that Ji Yingshi was completely defeated in this fight, and what was even more exasperating was that he even wailed and begged for mercy to Luo Enen with his nose and tears , lost all his face. Saying this, he gave Ji Yingshi a hard look.

Seeing Master's scolding eyes, Ji Yingshi felt sad again. He didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to beg for mercy, but there was nothing he could do. Luo Enen's sword skills were too strong, and his strikes were too ruthless. Or, master, come and try, see if you can't help but not beg for mercy?

Of course, he just thought about the last sentence in his heart, so he didn't dare to say it.

"Then can I continue to instruct my disciples to practice?" Luo Enen then asked.

"You are an uncle, so you can teach if you want to." Chang Wanfa said in a buzzing voice.

Luo Enen has already proved her strength, so what reason does he have to prevent her from instructing the disciples of the two sects to practice?

"But you said earlier that my return to the sect is short and my strength is weak, so I'm not qualified to give them advice?" Luo Enen said aggrievedly.

No matter how heartless she is, it is impossible for her to be slapped and slapped in the face without being indifferent. How did these two old men slap her in the face before? louder than them.

"We were mistaken before. With your strength, you are fully qualified to preach and teach." Chang Wanfa took a deep breath and said in as calm a tone as possible.

Earlier, he said that Lonen was not strong enough, and he was not qualified to preach and teach. Now he admits that he was the one who misunderstood. How is this different from slapping yourself? Elder Chang felt very uncomfortable.

"Hey, when you are old and your eyesight is not good enough, don't talk nonsense. Fortunately, I am a junior sister, and I dare not argue with my senior brother. If I change someone else, I will never end with you." I feel that Chang Wanfa has not slapped himself enough. Ruthless, Luo Enen went up and slapped him mercilessly.

As the elder of the Fazong, Chang Wanfa was always respectful to anyone who saw him, and it was the first time he was ridiculed in such a face-to-face, his old face suddenly flushed with shame.

"However, Senior Brother Chang is right. Compared with the two elders, my strength is indeed a little too low." Fortunately, Luo Enen is not without restraint. He knows what it means to respect the old and love the young. Next The words are more pleasing to the ear.

Hearing her compliments, Chang Wanfa straightened his back, stroked his long beard and nodded slightly, feeling much better. Unfortunately, he didn't know that he was happy too early.

"So, I want to ask Senior Brother Chang for advice, and I also hope Senior Brother will give advice." Immediately, Luo Enen cupped his hands again and said.

"You want to fight me?" Chang Wanfa was slightly taken aback. Could it be that Luo Enen was dazzled by a victory and dared to challenge himself? Doesn't he know how big the gap between Tiansheng and Xuansheng is?

Of course, if Luo Enen is really so arrogant and wants to take advantage of himself, he doesn't mind doing it himself, and let her know what it means.

"How is that possible? How dare I fight senior brother Chang?" Luo Enen widened his eyes and looked at Chang Wanfa like an idiot.

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