"There's nothing to guess about it. Earlier, Gu Fenghua acted on behalf of Luo Enen and challenged Yingshi unrelentingly. I thought it was a little strange. Now that I think about it, he probably deliberately provoked us, diverted our attention, and secretly did something. , to help Lornen break through the bottleneck, and at the critical moment, the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword was raised to the second stage." Chang Wanfa said.

How could he not guess what the disciples below could think of, only the Swing Sword has been kept in the dark.

"How powerful is Gu Fenghua?" Qiu Qianjian said in disbelief.

He has seen Gu Fenghua make a move and knows that her cultivation base is not weak, but it is only aimed at ordinary saint masters of the same age. There's really nothing surprising about it. Only with this level of cultivation, can you help Luo Enen break through the bottleneck and raise the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword to the second stage?

Ask yourself, even he, the elder of Jianzong who has reached the realm of heavenly sage, doesn't have this ability.

"Gu Fenghua's cultivation is indeed not too strong, but don't forget, she is just a casual cultivator, she has neither superior skills nor decent cultivation resources, how could she have such a cultivation at a young age? If I didn't If she guessed wrong, she might have obtained the secrets and panacea left by a sage and strong man by chance." Chang Wanfa guessed and said, which was exactly the same as what Gu Fenghua used to prevaricate Han Yangshu and others.

It's no wonder that even in Wuji Holy Heaven, the holy pill that can directly improve the spiritual sense is hard to find, and most people don't even know that there is such a holy pill in the world. Who would dare to believe that Gu Fenghua can refine it? To make such a rare magic pill like Zhengyi Xuanshen Pill.

"That's right, why didn't I think of it? This Gu Fenghua is lucky." Qiu Qianjian slapped his head and said annoyedly, he had no doubts about Chang Wanfa's guess.

"Yeah, her luck is indeed good. Not only did she get the relics of the sages and strong men, but if this continues, even our Nanli sect will fall into her hands." Chang Wanfa said with a sneer.

"She dares!" Qiu Qianjian slapped the table heavily.

"You've only been looking up ancient books these days, so you don't know what's going on outside?" Chang Wanfa said.

"What happened?" Qiu Qianjian asked blankly.

"Nowadays, not only the outer sect, but even the inner sect have many disciples who go to Qingxi Valley to listen to Luo Enen's explanation of the holy sword technique. She has stole the limelight. When it comes to reputation, I am afraid that she is no longer inferior to the two elders. .

I also heard some people whispering, saying that a country cannot be without a king for a day, a family cannot be without a head for a day, and that it is not a solution for the suzerain of our Nanli Sect to be vacant all the time, it is better to simply let the little uncle be the suzerain up. "Chang Yingrong interrupted sourly. The first half is the truth, and the latter half is purely to sow discord.

Although the position of the suzerain of Nanli Sect has been pending, many disciples really feel that it is not appropriate, and even had the idea of ​​letting Luo Enen become the suzerain, but how dare they say such a thing? What's more, this kind of thing is not up to them to decide. Isn't it waiting for the two elders to give them little shoes to wear?

"What are you talking about! Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua are really ambitious. Without their instigation and instigation, how would the disciples below dare to talk like this? Their intentions are sinister, their intentions are sinister." Qiu Qianjian also thought of this, but did not Suspecting Chang Yingrong to sow discord, she made up her own mind, and poured a basin of dirty water on Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua's heads.

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