"You mean to say that if you want to refine the Yaomu cauldron, you must completely fuse the two phoenix powers together, and if you want to fully fuse the power of the phoenix, you need more demon pills, right? "Lonen didn't react too slowly this time, and asked guessingly.

"Well, we really need more demon pills." Gu Fenghua nodded, with a sad look on his brows.

According to the legend, only monsters above the ninth rank can condense the demon core, and the ninth rank monsters are as strong as the heavenly saints. In the Tianji Continent before, such powerful monsters did not exist at all. Even in Wuji Holy Heaven, such powerful monsters are probably rare, and the preciousness of the monster pill can be imagined.

It was inconceivable to be able to find a demon pill from a wind wolf with seventh-order magic eyes, or to say that she was lucky, and she didn't dare to expect such good luck all the time.

"Well, I'll go to Lanshan City in a few days to find out if I can buy a demon pill." Luo Enen said. However, listening to the tone, he did not report much hope. She has been to Lanshan City a few times, visited all the big square markets and auction houses, and saw many rare things, which can be regarded as an eye-opener, but she has never heard of the news of Yaodan.

"You don't need to put too much thought into it, just follow the fate." Gu Fenghua said.

Of course she knew that Yao Pills were not so easy to find, so she didn't want Lonen to waste energy on it. More importantly, she could feel that she refined and absorbed all the power of the demon spirit from the demon pill earlier, but the two phoenix powers were only fused at most one percent. If she wanted to fuse them all, either Find hundreds of the same demon pills, or you have to find a higher-grade demon pill-after all, the magic-eyed wind wolf is only a seventh-order monster. Gu Fenghua believes that if the grade is higher, the condensed demon pill will be of higher grade. It should also be higher, and the demon spirit energy contained in it will be more abundant and pure, which will help her even more.

However, it is so easy to find such a large number or higher quality demon pills, and even if they are found, they are not affordable for Luo Enen.

So this matter, she still has to figure out a way by herself.

But staying in Nanlizong, there must be no way out. After staying in Nanli Sect for a period of time, after the initial freshness passed, Gu Fenghua realized that the Zhongpin Sect was nothing more than that, and could not help her embark on the road of becoming a real strongman.

This is not to say that the mid-grade sects of Wuji Shengtian are really weak and not worth mentioning. In fact, the background of Nanli Sect is still very deep, and the sword skills and holy methods are also unique, or they are replaced by other sects from Tianji Continent. This sect is simply a holy place for their cultivation that they dream of and even dream of.

But Gu Fenghua is different, the kung fu and sword skills taught to her by her brothers are so powerful that even Nanli Sect's most powerful technique - the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, cannot compare with her Eight Swords Guiyuan , so staying in Nanlizong doesn't mean much to her, unless she also wants to eat and wait to die like Lonen.

Gu Fenghua knows very well that if he wants to get a better chance and embark on her own road to become a strong man, he must leave Nanli Sect!

"Junior Sister, you haven't slept yet." Gu Fenghua was about to tell Luo Enen about his plan, when Chang Wanfa's voice sounded outside the courtyard.

"It's so late, I don't know why the two senior brothers come to Qingxi Valley? If you want to talk nonsense, don't worry about it. I have to teach the junior disciples to practice tomorrow. I have to rest early to recover my spirits, otherwise if someone else I can't deal with hitting people in the face." Luo Enen opened the courtyard door, saw the two elders, Chang Qiu, and said angrily.

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