My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1493 How Can You Do Such a Stupid Thing

"By the way, this diagram of the Eight Arrays of Nanli is an ancestral treasure of your lineage. I heard that there are secrets hidden in it. If you can unlock the secrets in it, it will definitely be of great benefit to your cultivation." No, Swing Sword added.

"Oh, I see. Then I would like to thank the two senior brothers for making this trip all the way." Luo Enen said. She said thank you, but there was no gratitude in her eyes. The reason was very simple. She didn't believe that Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian were really so kind. The reason why they handed over the map of Nanli's eight formations to her must have another purpose.

"It's getting late, so let's go back first." Chang Wanfa also understood the truth that talking too much will make mistakes, so he left after finishing his business.

Watching the two go away, Lonen closed the courtyard door.

"What kind of tricks are these two old guys playing?" Back at the table, Luo Enen took out the scroll and asked suspiciously.

"Be courteous for nothing, rape or steal." Since Luo Enen has already seen that Chang Qiu and the two have no good intentions, Gu Fenghua doesn't need to remind her, but just said curiously, "But it's okay to see them just now. It's not like it's all a lie, but is this map of Nanli eight formations really left by your master?"

"I don't know, but I remember that Master did mention to me that he left me an ancestral item, but I am too low to use it. For the time being, Chang Wanfa and Swing Sword will take care of it for me. When the time comes Then pass it on to me." Luo Enen said.

"So, it's possible that this map of Nanli's eight formations is really left to you by your master?" Gu Fenghua asked.

No wonder what Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian said did not seem to be fake, it turned out that the Supreme Elder had indeed had such entrustment. However, the highest level of lies is that there is truth in falsehood and truth in falsehood, true and false come true and false come true and false come true and false, just based on these words, it is still impossible to be sure that the scroll in front of me is left by the Supreme Elder.

"I don't know, what Master said at the time was unclear, how could I guess it." Luo Enen looked at the scroll in front of him confusedly.

Intuitively, she knew that the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram was by no means an ordinary thing. If she could unlock the secrets in it, it would be of great benefit to herself. Good intentions, if you are not careful, you may fall into their tricks.

Seeing that Luo Enen himself was at a loss, Gu Fenghua didn't bother to ask any more questions, and began to think about the seal on it.

The seal of Wuji Shengtian is obviously more mysterious than that of Tianji Continent, and it can even be said to be cumbersome. On this scroll, there are dozens of seals, which are interlocking with each other. Although Gu Fenghua had practiced the art of sealing since he was a child under the strict supervision of his elder brothers, he was not at all sure of breaking such a seal. If he did it forcefully, the scroll might be destroyed.

"It doesn't make sense. The seal on this scroll is so complicated and mysterious that even I can't open it. If Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian want to use this to harm you, isn't it a waste of effort?" Gu Fenghua quickly chose to give up, full of doubts Said.

Even she couldn't break the seal, let alone Luo Enen. If Chang Qiu and the others really wanted to use this scroll to harm Luo Enen, it would be meaningless. Not to mention the swing sword, his brain doesn't seem to be very easy to use, but Chang Wanfa can see that he is a cunning and treacherous person, how could he do such a stupid thing?

Gu Fenghua obviously underestimated the Swing Sword. Don't look at this elder of the Jizong who seems to be of average intelligence on the surface.

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