My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1510 Damn it, master cheated

Gu Fenghua can be sure that it wasn't Guiye who came to the rescue this time, and from what she knew about him, it seemed that he didn't have such strong strength.

"If it's not him, then who would it be?" Lonen asked puzzled.

"I want to know too, but if you ask me, who should I ask?" Gu Fenghua said.

"Who could it be, who could it be?" Luo Enen thought hard, but still couldn't think of an answer, and said to herself while pulling her hair.

"I'm not filial, I'm not filial! I, Zhong Nantian, think of myself as noble, and I don't want to accept disciples all my life, but in the end, I accept such an unworthy disciple as you!" Suddenly a figure flashed beside me, and an old man with a silver beard appeared in front of me out of thin air. Beating his chest and stamping his feet, he said with a sad face.

"Master!" Luo Enen raised his head in surprise, and immediately his face changed drastically, he jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and let out a thrilling scream, "Damn it, Master cheated... "

Hearing Luo Enen call out the word "Master", Gu Fenghua was taken aback: Could it be that he really guessed right, that the coffin of Nanlizong, the Supreme Elder, really couldn't be covered?

But looking at the angry look of the old man blowing his beard and staring at his eyes again, Gu Fenghua felt relieved again. If he really came back from the dead, he didn't have to worry about it. Looking at it like this, he was going to be pissed off again anyway.

"Okay, stop screaming, your master is not dead." Gu Fenghua grabbed Luo Enen who had just fallen to the ground and was about to continue jumping up before Zhong Nantian died of anger, and even covered her mouth .

"You're really not dead, master, are you really not dead?" Luo Enen finally calmed down a little, pulled Gu Fenghua's hand from his mouth, and asked cautiously.

"Do you really want me to die? Do you want to be satisfied with being a teacher to death? Pity me, Zhong Nantian, who has been picking and choosing all my life, and finally picked a heartless apprentice like you. What is it? Who, who is it? It’s only been a few days since I’ve left, and you’ve forgotten me completely. Is there a disciple like you in the world? Tell me, how can you be worthy of my teaching? That’s how you are a disciple. Yes, can you grow up with something..." It's okay that Lonen didn't speak, but when he did, Zhong Nantian became even more grief-stricken, chattering like a resentful woman, almost crying.

The dignified Nanli Zong Taishang elder was turned into a resentful wife by his precious apprentice, Gu Fenghua felt a chill when he saw it. But thinking about Luo Enen's heartlessness again, she was relieved again. No matter who it is, having an apprentice like this is no better than Zhong Nantian.

"How can I be blamed for this? I don't know that you are not dead? Besides, when did you tell me that you have such a strong strength, how could I guess it was you?" Lonen muttered.

"You still dare to quibble, you are obviously heartless and ungrateful, and you don't remember me as a master at all." Zhongnan's beard trembled violently, and he scolded Luo Enen bloody.

"Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, master, don't be angry, this time I was wrong, and I will definitely not do it next time. I will squeeze your shoulders and beat your legs, so you can calm down." After scolding, Luo Enen didn't feel ashamed at all, but supported Zhong Nantian to sit down with a smile on his face, pinched his shoulders and beat his legs, he was extremely busy.

"Hmph, you still have a bit of conscience." Zhong Nantian snorted twice, narrowing his eyes, revealing a contented expression.

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