My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1512 One of the Eight Great Demon Trees

Although he was talking about the secrets of the Nanli sect, it was obvious that he didn't care that Gu Fenghua knew about it, and he didn't even give him a look of concern.

"I think back then, when my disciples from the Nanli Sect traveled abroad, even if they were only disciples from other sects, other sects would respect them as honored guests. If the elders of the sect master traveled, it would be even more..." Zhong Nantian became more and more complacent as he spoke. Unfortunately, Lorne En and Gu Fenghua knew about this history long ago, so they were not surprised at all. Hearing him keep showing off, his eyelids started to fight.

"Master, we saw what you said in Zangshu Pavilion, and we also know that nearly ten thousand years ago, the Nanli Sect suddenly fell into a slump and slipped from the Holy Sect to the Middle Grade Sect. Can you tell me the answer directly?" Luo Enen knew Once these old people started talking, they couldn't finish talking for a few days and nights, so they had to interrupt him.

"Oh, you all know it, so let me get back to business." Zhong Nantian was a little bit regretful that he didn't hear the exclamation of the two, but he still got back to the topic, "The reason why the Nanli Sect was so powerful in the past was because The main reason why the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword declined later was because later generations could no longer comprehend this unique art. You must have guessed this matter, right?

But have you ever thought about why the predecessors can comprehend the unique knowledge, but the future generations cannot comprehend it? Some people say that it is because the original score of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword has been lost. This is indeed one of the reasons, but it is not the real reason. The real reason is actually the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood! "

"Jiuqiao Spiritual Heart Wood, Master, you mean the Jiuqiao Spiritual Heart Wood, one of the eight great monster trees!" Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua were both taken aback, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

Ever since they met the demon soul tree in Bi Luogu, Xinghua Temple, they had learned about the Eight Great Demon Trees, and knew that the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree was also one of the Eight Great Demon Trees.

The eight demon trees also have different ranks. The demon soul wood ranks eighth, but it is only at the bottom, while the nine-orifice spiritual heart tree ranks third. Even among the eight demon trees, they are all at the top. Soul wood is comparable!

Unexpectedly, Nanli Sect had such a top Yaozhi!

"How about it, didn't you think of it?" Zhong Nantian asked with a big laugh.

Mentioning the past glory of Nanli Sect just now, Zhong Nantian showed off with pride for a long time, but Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua did not respond at all, and even fell asleep when they heard it, which made him feel very disappointed. Dull. At this moment, they finally saw the look of surprise on their faces, and the old man smiled very comfortably.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that our Nanli Sect had such a rare treasure. It is indeed one of the Eighteen Holy Sects!" Luo Enen was full of emotion, and there were tears of pride in his eyes. .

So, the Supreme Elder smiled even more heartily, and all the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together. You must know that Luo Enen has not been a member of the Nanli Sect for a long time, and the time since he came back is even shorter. How can he not feel very relieved that he can regard himself as a member of the Nanli Sect and be proud of the sect.

Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen with contempt: Isn't it just to make the old man happy, so there is no need to exaggerate? How did I not know that you have such a strong sense of belonging to Nanli Sect?

It seems that Miss Luo, who was born with a halo of tiankeng, grew up happily and nourished, not only because of her tenacious vitality, she also has her way of survival, at least she is very good at pleasing the elderly.

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