My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1527 Brother Fanwai 5 Don't order if you don't like it

Then they huddled together and murmured about what they had discussed, and then turned their heads and said arrogantly: "We allow you to help us bring elegance, tell me, what conditions do you have? Rights, money or strength?"

"Anything is fine. However, in the future, you must help us bring grace, or you will be eaten." A young man who looked like the smallest said fiercely.

"Shut up, you. You can eat anything, and you won't be afraid of ruining your stomach." The young man in charge slapped the young man on the head. The young man grinned in pain, but he also became quiet.

Gu Tianci looked at the young men with arrogant faces in front of him, and listened to the unbelievable words they said, but intuitively felt that what they said was true. They can do it, and it's effortless.

What happened later proved his idea.


Standing outside the sea of ​​flames with the baby in his arms, watching the four young men harvest the lives of their enemies like chopping vegetables, Gu Tianci looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, tears fell silently, unable to stop no matter what.

At this moment, it is carefree, joyful, and nothingness.

Nothing left, nothing left...

What is the meaning of his life?

What is the need for his existence?

"Ah~ah~" Suddenly, a childish voice came from his arms.

Gu Tianci's thoughts were pulled back from nothingness by this voice. He suddenly lowered his head and met the dark eyes of the child in his arms. The child in his arms stretched out his two little hands and waved them, babbling and babbling. It seemed that she was trying to touch his face, more like comforting him. The milky voice gently brushed his dead heart like a feather. At this moment, the dead heart is gradually coming to life.

"Fenghua, Xiaofenghua..." Gu Tianci slightly hugged the soft little person in his arms, closed his eyes hard, and wiped away the tears.

He will continue to live for this treasure in his arms. God brought this treasure in front of him, giving him a second life. How could he not cherish this life?

The plaque of Gu Mansion was hung up again. Later, it was replaced with a plaque of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

And Gu Tianci also had four grandsons and a precious granddaughter.

The eldest Gu Liyuan, the second Gu Qingyuan, the third Gu Hanyi, and the fourth Gu Yeyu. And their common treasure is Gu Fenghua.

Although he bought a lot of servants, Gu Tianci still took care of little Gu Fenghua by himself. And the four elder brothers often surrounded him, watching Gu Tianci take care of Xiao Fenghua with bright eyes.

On this day, the four elder brothers went out again, saying they were going to buy some daily necessities for Xiao Fenghua.

Daily necessities, are those weird but useful things?

Gu Tianci looked at the thing in his hand that was said to be called a feeding bottle, and then at the row of strange jars on the table, all of which were milk powder that could be washed out.

I'm a little curious about what kind of place the earth is that the grandchildren say. These milk powder bottles are quite easy to use.

"Ah~" The little man in his arms stretched out his hand to get the milk bottle.

"Oh, good~ good~ make it right away." Gu Tianci coaxed the baby in his arms, and then started to make milk powder.

When the four youths brought back a large pile of baby supplies again, they saw Gu Tianci walking back and forth slowly holding the full Gu Fenghua in his arms, coaxing her to sleep.

"Grandfather, is Xiao Fenghua good today?" The boss Gu Liyuan stepped forward and asked in a low voice. For fear of waking up Gu Fenghua who was about to fall asleep.

Gu Tianci nodded, but did not speak. He lowered his head to look at Xiao Fenghua in his arms, and signaled them not to wake Gu Fenghua up.

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