My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1538 Death is the best relief

The pictures that had long been buried in the depths of his heart reappeared in front of his eyes one after another, and the endless sadness flooded into his heart like a tide, making him feel like he was dying, and his heart was ashamed, and he just wanted to give up everything in this world and follow his loved ones away.

On the opposite side, Jiao Jiao stood up, and his bloody claws pierced his heart like lightning!

Zhong Nantian saw all this clearly, but he didn't react at all, and even slightly loosened his fingers holding the hilt of the sword. With his heart dying like ashes, his fighting spirit disappeared, and he even had a feeling: death is the best relief for him.

Closer, closer. He could already feel the coldness coming from the sharp claws of Jiao Jiao, and smell the thick blood. Finally, the sharp claws pierced his heart, and a wave of demon spirit power poured in. Because of Jiao Jiao's serious injury, the power of this demon spirit is not considered tyrannical, but at this time, Zhongnan Tiannan's fighting spirit is at full strength, and he has no holy energy at all, so how can he resist it?

The breath of death enveloped Zhong Nantian, but he didn't feel any fear, instead he felt a kind of relief like relief.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua's clear voice sounded in his ears.

Just now, when Zhong Nantian hit Jiao Jiao severely with a sword, and gradually drove it into a desperate situation, Gu Fenghua secretly wondered how terrifying Jiu Jiao's nine-beast supernatural power to control divine thoughts was. She had seen it with her own eyes. She couldn't compete with it at all, but after being severely injured by Zhong Nantian one after another, this monster's supernatural power never appeared again.

Could it be that this Jiaojiao is not strong enough to use this so-called supernatural power of a monster? Or, is it because Zhong Nantian's divine sense is too strong, and Jiao Jiao's monster supernatural powers don't work on him?

It wasn't until Zhong Nantian slashed out with his last sword that Gu Fenghua realized that he was wrong. Although this time Zhong Nantian transformed into the fifth afterimage clone, his combat power was even stronger than before, while Jiao Jiao was exhausted, it seemed that he had no power to resist, and he would definitely die with a single strike, but, Gu Fenghua However, he clearly felt a wave of the monster's soul, and an inexplicable throbbing rose in his heart. This palpitation is so similar to the feeling of being controlled by the supernatural power of the monster beast before.

In an instant, Gu Fenghua understood that it wasn't that this Jiaojiao wasn't strong enough to use the supernatural power of the monster as he wanted, nor was it that Zhong Nantian's divine sense was too strong, and its supernatural power didn't work, but that it knew its own injury. It's too heavy, it's not Zhong Nantian's opponent if he fights head-on, even if he uses this monster's supernatural power, it will be difficult to be effective, so it is waiting, waiting for the best opportunity.

In the last strike, Zhong Nantian had already put all his strength into it, and even poured all his mind into this strike, and he had no spare energy to defend against the opponent's divine attack. For Xiao Jiao, this is the best opportunity.

As expected of one of the legendary Twelve Fierce Beasts, they are so insidious and cunning, yet so tolerant, they have to wait for the best chance to fight back even after suffering heavy injuries, even life and death! Gu Fenghua secretly sighed.

In a hurry, it was too late for Gu Fenghua to remind Zhong Nantian, and she didn't need to. Because from this last sword, she could vaguely see that Zhong Nantian seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact he was in danger every step of the way. Jiao Jiao with the blood of a divine beast is too tenacious in defense and vitality. Under Zhong Nantian's continuous onslaught, the consumption of his holy energy is extremely terrifying. He has no good options.

At this moment, the only thing Gu Fenghua can do is to save Zhong Nantian with all his might.

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