My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1548 This Yaozhi is really ruthless

Looking along his fingers, Gu Fenghua discovered that there were five star points in the Yaodan, showing rainbow-like colors. Obviously, the fifth level of the emperor rank fifth level came from this.

Gu Fenghua remembers very clearly that the demon pill obtained from the Demon Eye Wind Wolf King did not have such a rainbow star point. It seems that even if the Wind Eye Demon Wolf breaks through the bloodline limit and becomes a seventh-order monster, and condenses unimaginably The quality of the demon pill produced is still not the same as the demon pill condensed from a real eighth-rank and ninth-rank monster beast, and it can even be said to be a world of difference.

Holding this fifth-rank imperial demon pill, Gu Fenghua's eyes revealed an unconcealable excitement. With this demon pill, she is 90% sure to fully integrate the power of the two phoenixes, but she has not recovered to the best state, no matter whether she is holy or divine, so she thought about it and endured it for the time being.

After all, the quality of this demon pill is too high, no need to guess, everyone knows that the demon spirit energy in it is a hundred times stronger than the last demon pill, or even more than a hundred times, God knows what will happen during refining, it is best to be careful wonderful. Moreover, this demon pill is too precious, if there is an accident and it is wasted, she will not even have a chance to regret it.

"Since Jiao Jiao is dead, let's go and see the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree." Zhong Nantian said eagerly.

He saw the excitement in Gu Fenghua's eyes, and knew that she had moved her mind on this Yao Yao Pill. In fact, let alone Gu Fenghua, even he couldn't help but be moved when he saw this Emperor Grade Fifth-Rank Monster Pill, but he could It was thanks to the help of Gu Fenghua and her monster pets to kill Jiao Jiao, even his life was saved by Gu Fenghua, so of course he was embarrassed to fight with Gu Fenghua.

"Let's go." Of course, Gu Fenghua was curious about the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree, one of the eight great plants of the Nanli Sect.

After finishing speaking, the group of people walked towards Nanli Valley without even looking at Jiao Jiao's body again. In fact, the leather armor, essence, and blood skeletons of monsters are all useful, some can be used for refining weapons, and some can be used for medicine and alchemy. Of course, the corpse of a top monster like Jiao Jiao is more useful, but it was seriously injured by the fire spring first. Then he was severely injured in the hands of Zhong Nantian, and then he was besieged by Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, and Zhong Nantian, and finally he was beaten to the ground by two brats. It's exhausted, so it's of little use.

After walking a few steps, there was a sudden crackling sound behind him.

Zhongnan Tianxia consciously turned his head to look around, and saw that Gu Fenghua's demon plant had let go of the vine, and was raising the vines, whipping on the body of the cockroach one after another like a steel whip.

"What is it doing?" Zhong Nantian was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"Whip the corpse." Lorn replied calmly.

"Whip the corpse!" Zhong Nantian's eyes widened suddenly, obviously not as calm as Luo Enen.

"Master, you don't know, this guy is actually more ruthless than those two brats, and he was very excited when he started to move. I guess he had to entangle Xiao Jiao with all his strength just now, and he couldn't make time for it, so he made up for it now." Lorne continued to explain.

"Uh..." Zhong Nantian's mouth began to twitch again.

It turned out that not only the little bear cub was just a little bit naughty, but the little fox was actually just a little bit naughty, and this monster plant is really ruthless!

Looking at the little cheap flower who is showing off her lustful power and struggling to whip the corpse, Gu Fenghua has a black line on his forehead: Shame, although the other two brats acted a little cruelly, but after all, no one can feel at ease if you don't die. What they did Because it is also a coincidence. What are you, whipping corpses, and where did you learn this bad habit?

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