My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1550 Isn't this eating the inside out?

But no matter what, he was doing it for his own good, so Gu Fenghua said gratefully: "Thank you for the reminder, Senior Zhong, I will strictly restrain them."

"That's good, you must not be careless." Zhong Nantian reminded again, and led the two of them to continue walking towards Nanligu.

Although Jiao Jiao had already decided that he could not die any more, Gu Fenghua and the others still had lingering fears in their hearts when they recalled the stormy momentum when thousands or even thousands of high-level monsters rushed out of the valley, and they were all cautious and fully on guard.

But soon, they realized again that their worries were still superfluous. The entire Nanli Valley was desolate and dead, and there was not a single monster. It seemed that all the monsters had been reduced to ashes by the fire spring.

"By the way, master, hasn't this valley been sealed by the suzerain? Where did those monsters come from?" Luo Enen asked curiously after his mood eased.

"Those monsters originally lived in the peaks and valleys of my Nanli Sect, so they can be regarded as raised by my Nanli Sect." Zhong Nantian replied.

"What, they are all raised by Nanli Zong?" Luo Enen looked surprised. There are as many as thousands or even thousands of monsters. The weakest ones have reached the sixth level, and at least half have reached the seventh level, or even the eighth level, which is equivalent to the powerhouse of the Xuansheng realm. Zong actually raised so many powerful monsters.

"Don't forget, our Nanli Sect was one of the Eighteen Sacred Sects under Tianji Shengjun at that time. If we don't even have this strength, how can we order the heroes to make all the high-ranking sects look up to me?" Speaking of this, Zhong Nantian naturally showed a bit of pride on his face.

However, neither Gu Fenghua nor Luo Enen felt that there was anything wrong with his self-satisfied expression. Today's Nanli Sect is only a middle-rank sect. The ordinary disciples of the outer sect can reach the realm of Xuansheng, the cultivation base of the disciples of the inner sect is even higher, and several elders have even reached the realm of heavenly saints. So deep, they couldn't imagine it in the past.

A middle-rank sect has such strength, so how strong should a top-rank sect be?

And how strong should the Holy Sect be, which has to listen to its orders even for the top-rank sects and middle-rank sects?

To be honest, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen can't imagine the answer to this question. The only thing that is certain is that with the strength of the Holy Sect, it is not a big deal to keep thousands of monsters, let alone listen to it. Zhong Nantian's words meant that those monsters were not raised, at most they were freed, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

"Since it's our own monster, how can we help Xiao Jiao instead? Isn't this eating inside and outside?" After thinking about it, Luo Enen said a little angrily. Even if it is freed, it is still a member of the Nanli Sect, how can it help outsiders harm their own sect?

"Although monsters are not low in intelligence, they are not humans after all. As the saying goes, people who are not of our race must have different hearts. How can there be so much benevolence and morality to speak of, and how can they know what to eat? Surrender to the strong is their instinct. Jiao Jiao not only has the blood of a divine beast, but also is one of the twelve fierce beasts. To ordinary monsters, they are already the strongest among the strong, so how could they become enemies with Jiao Jiao for the sake of Nanli Sect?" Listen After listening to Luo Enen's childish words, Zhong Nantian couldn't help laughing out loud.

Of course he was in a good mood to finally kill Jiao Jiao and get rid of the long-term troubles for the sect. Luo Enen's perseverance at the critical moment of life and death made him even more gratified, and his mood was extraordinarily comfortable.

After hearing his words, Gu Fenghua was somewhat skeptical: Are those monsters surrendering to Jiao Jiao only because of its bloodline and strength? She always felt that the rebellion of those monsters had something to do with the monster's supernatural ability to control the mind. And the reason why Yao Jiao comprehended this supernatural power is probably related to Mieshi Zichen.

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