My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1559 The anger can no longer be suppressed

"Reporting to the Elder, this disciple is worried about what may happen to Uncle Luo and Uncle Gu, and wants to stay a few more days to protect them." Han Yangshu said frankly without hiding anything.

"Guardian? With their strength, what kind of law do you need to protect? Go back and practice honestly!" If it's just Luo Enen, that's all. Hearing Gu Fenghua mentioned by him, Swing Sword is even more displeased.

"Master Elder, Uncle Gu has saved our lives, and Uncle Luo has taught us the virtue of art. The sect has training, and the kindness of dripping water should be repaid by a spring. If we leave like this, I'm afraid it's hard to feel at ease, and I can't practice quietly." Of course Han Yangshu could see his dissatisfaction, but he still insisted.

Seeing him disobeying orders, Qiu Qianjian turned blue with anger, but he had nothing to say.

Unlike most other middle-grade sects, Nanli Sect's current strength is mediocre, but ten thousand years ago, it was one of the eighteen holy sects of Tianji Palace.

As the saying goes, if you get the right way, you can get more help than if you don't, and the Nanli sect can have such a status, of course, it doesn't depend on being brave and ruthless. Otherwise, no matter how strong it is, it will be wiped out sooner or later.

At the time of its heyday, Nanli Sect's disciples of all dynasties traveled around the world and formed many good relationships.

Many powerhouses in Wuji Shengtian have good relations with Nanli Sect. It is because of their support that Nanli Sect can become one of the Eighteen Sacred Sects. After that, the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword was lost, and even the suzerain and the two elders were missing. However, the Nanli Sect is still passed down to this day, and it is also because of those strong people that no one dares to take the Nanli Sect's idea.

If you receive the favor of dripping water, you should repay it with a spring! It is one of the ten teachings of the Nanli Sect, and even the swing sword cannot be refuted.

"Hmph." Qiuqianjian snorted coldly, and left in a huff.

"Elder Qiu, this disciple of yours seems to be a bit stubborn." Leaving Qingxi Valley, Chang Wanfa gloated and said to Qiuqianjian, who was still angry.

"This thing that eats inside and out, let's see how I deal with him." Qiu Qianjian said through gritted teeth.

"Actually, don't embarrass him too much. Didn't he say that Gu Fenghua saved his life, and the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. There is nothing wrong with him doing this." Chang Wanfa persuaded, but that The tone of voice is yin and yang, which is clearly fanning the wind and lighting wildfire.

It seems that Chang Yingrong's problem of fanning the flames is not something she learned by herself, but a family inheritance.

"So what about the grace of saving his life? If I hadn't enlisted him in the Holy Sword Peak, would he be where he is today? Don't I have the grace to know him, and the grace to recreate him?" It's good that Chang Wanfa didn't mention this matter. Swing Sword was even more annoyed at the mention of this matter.

In fact, he already knew that Gu Fenghua was led back to the Nanli Sect by Han Yangshu, but after all, he was a child of the Jizong's own family, and the kindness of saving his life was justifiable, so he didn't blame Han Yangshu.

But it wasn't until these few days that he heard that Han Yangshu and the others led the disciples of the two sects to Piaoyun Valley to listen to Luo Enen's explanation of the holy sword technique, and he was extremely dissatisfied with him in his heart.

If Han Yangshu "abandon the dark and turn to the bright" in time, he doesn't want to argue with him, water flows to the lower places and people go to the higher places, no matter how much he dislikes Luo Enen, he must admit that her aptitude and understanding are indeed too good Well, the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword that no one in the Nanli Sect has comprehended for tens of thousands of years, she has actually cultivated to the second stage at a young age. If it were me who was young, I am afraid I would not be able to resist asking her for advice.

Besides, no matter what Han Yangshu said, he is a disciple of the Jizong. If he is stronger, it is not a bad thing for him, as long as he wakes up in time and draws a clear line with Luo Enen.

Who would have thought that Han Yangshu would be so stubborn, he is still obsessed with his obsession, coupled with Chang Wanfa's schadenfreude, his anger could no longer be suppressed.

If there is no accident, I will update some stories about my brothers every day recently. If you like it, subscribe, if you don't like it, you can skip it. There was an outbreak on the 16th, and Xian Yubai was about to turn around. Hot pot are you ready? Are you ready for some sesame oil or something?

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