On the street, people come and go, and everyone's faces are beaming.

"In the past, I didn't understand why human beings wanted to go home every time the Chinese New Year came. Now, I understand a little bit." Gu Qingyuan, the second brother, sighed as he watched the people on the street rushing home after shopping.

"Because, with their concern at home, after a year of busy work, I just want to share the results with my closest relatives." Fourth brother Gu Yeyu said.

"No matter how far they go, I still want to return to a place where they have a sense of belonging." The third brother Gu Hanyi suddenly said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the four of them fell silent.

They used to be so rebellious and reckless, they never cared about the so-called rules of heaven and earth, never cared about anyone. However, everything changed after meeting Xiao Fenghua.

There is concern in their hearts, and there is a softest place. I will miss my hometown even more, that distant hometown.

Do they have a day to go back?

Can you go back with Xiao Fenghua?

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Just when the four of them were feeling a bit lost, Xiao Fenghua's cute milky voice rang in their ears, the voice was full of worry and anxiety.

"We're fine, it's just that I'm homesick." The elder brother smiled slightly and said softly.

"Home? Didn't we just go out?" Xiao Fenghua didn't quite understand, she tilted her head and looked at the elder brother's face, "Elder brother, don't cry."

"I didn't cry." The eldest brother was shocked, he obviously didn't show anything, why did Xiao Fenghua feel his emotions so sensitively?

"Our real home is far away, and we can't go back." The second brother's voice was very soft.

"I can go back." Xiao Fenghua suddenly said decisively, "Where do you want to go, when I grow up, I will take my brothers there."

The four of them froze for a moment, then smiled in relief, and stretched out their hands to touch Xiao Fenghua's head: "Well, when the baby grows up, take the brothers home."

"The baby is here, the elder brother is here, and the grandfather is here, so it's home." Xiao Fenghua clenched her fists and said seriously again. She doesn't know why her brothers are crying, but she knows that they are very unhappy now, "I have money, my grandfather gave it to me, and I buy candied haws for my brothers. My brother doesn't cry, he doesn't cry."

The noses of the four people were sour, and they almost shed tears.

Xiao Fenghua, their Xiaofenghua...

Yeah, as long as they're together, it's home.

One day, they will definitely return to their hometown together, a distant but inseparable hometown.

"Okay, then baby buy us candied haws today." The eldest brother hugged the little person in his arms and lifted her up, "Baby is the most obedient baby in the world."

"Brother is the best brother in the world." Xiao Fenghua liked this game of raising heights very much. He stretched out his two chubby hands and gesticulated there, pretending to be able to fly, "Higher, higher."

The next moment, Xiao Fenghua was picked up by another pair of hands. It was the fourth brother's hand, and the fourth brother held Gu Fenghua high and trotted up: "Baby, fly up, fly up."

"Wow, hurry up, hurry up!" Xiao Fenghua cheered happily.

The eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother looked at their backs, and the eldest brother cut his voice: "Fourth brother is mentally retarded."

"That's right, fourth brother, this... is mentally retarded." The second and third brothers agreed.

Although they were spurning the fourth brother, there were gentle smiles on the faces of the three of them.

The four of them, they were called at the beginning, the eldest, the second, the third, and the fourth. Since when did they become the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, and the fourth brother?

When did it change?

When did they really become a family?

If there is no accident, I will update some stories about my brothers every day recently. If you like it, subscribe, if you don't like it, you can skip it. There was an outbreak on the 16th, and Xian Yubai was about to turn around. Hot pot are you ready? Are you ready for some sesame oil or something?

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