My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1563 means that this life is completely over

What even Yu Le'er understood, Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin were no exception, their expressions were all gloomy.

They are not the disciples of the suzerain, let alone the disciples of the elders. Being expelled from the skill sect means that this life is completely over.

"If you can become an inner disciple, you don't have to worry about it." After a while, Zhou Siqin said as if to comfort himself.

"How can it be so easy to become an inner disciple?" Han Yangshu shook his head and smiled wryly.

Entering the inner sect is the lifelong wish of every outer sect disciple. Now everyone is going all out to step up their cultivation and try every means to improve their cultivation base. According to the usual practice, the cultivation resources distributed by the sect during this period will also be counted. multiplied.

It is conceivable that after one month, the cultivation base of all outer disciples will be greatly improved. But they were expelled from the skill sect at this time, and their cultivation resources must be cut off. How can they compare with others in a month?

"Why don't you go and admit your mistake and beg Elder Qiu to take it back?" Lin Ye said tentatively.

"It's useless, how could the dignified elder go back on his word?" Han Yangshu said.

What he said was right, Qiuqianjian was determined to kill chickens and monkeys, how could he take them back so easily.

"Then what should we do?" Hearing what he said, Yu Le'er and Zhou Siqin became even more desperate.

Lin Ye looked at them sympathetically. Although he wanted to help, he was only an outer disciple, and his status in Fazong was actually not as high as that of Han Yangshu and others in Jizong. How could he help?

"What's so embarrassing, since Elder Qiu has no room for others, you should switch to Fazong." Just when the few people were at a loss, Chang Yingrong's voice sounded from behind.

"Senior Sister Chang!" Han Yangshu and the others turned their heads and looked at Chang Yingrong in surprise.

"As long as you are willing, I will go talk to my third uncle and enroll you in the Fazong." Chang Yingrong continued.

Many people knew about her relationship with Chang Wanfa, so she didn't hide it.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Chang, for your kindness, but Elder Qiu just expelled us from the Jizong. Elder Chang will immediately include us in the Fazong. Will it be unhappy if we get Qiu Chang?" Han Yangshu said gratefully and worriedly.

Because of Gu Fenghua, they had a very unpleasant quarrel with Chang Yingrong, they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they didn't expect her to lend a helping hand at this time, so of course they were grateful to her.

How did they know that the reason why Qiuqianjian drove them out of the sword sect in a fit of rage was inseparable from Chang Wanfa's fanning the flames, and the reason why Chang Wanfa did this was because of Chang Yingrong.

Seeing the grateful look on Han Yangshu's face, Chang Yingrong was secretly happy. As the saying goes, adversity sees people's hearts, and only when he is driven into a desperate situation, will he understand his own intentions and know his own goodness.

"Senior Brother Han, you are worrying too much. Our technique sect and Fa sect are said to be two sects, but in fact they are in the same line. You have seen that Elder Qiu and my third uncle have recently resolved their suspicions. Even if he is slightly dissatisfied, he will definitely not care too much. "Chang Yingrong said comfortingly.

Of course, things were not as easy as she said. The disciple she had just expelled from the door was immediately taken in by Chang Wanfa. This was clearly the face of the swing sword. Chang Yingrong could even imagine the old man's furious look.

However, the two sects of Nanli sect's techniques have always been at odds. Tang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian are natural rivals, so it doesn't matter whether he likes it or not.

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