The emperor wanted to thank the four young masters of the Gu family, but what they said was very straightforward. Your things are not as good as ours, so keep them to yourself.

As the monarch of a country, the emperor shed bitter tears when he heard such straightforward and compassionate words.

The emperor wanted the four sons to become officials in the court, but they said it more bluntly. If we want, the emperor can do it. But too tired, getting up earlier than chickens, doing more work than cows, and sleeping later than dogs, it’s boring.

As the reigning emperor, hearing such disgusting words, the emperor once again shed bitter tears in his heart.

That's right, he just gets up earlier than the chicken, does more work than the cow, and sleeps later than the dog. Woohoo, why do you think being an emperor is so miserable...

In the end, the four sons of the Prime Minister's Mansion became special existences in the capital. They have no official position but can enter and leave the palace. As long as they are willing, they can come to court to discuss matters.

These are enough to shock the people in the capital. But what caused the greater shock was yet to come.

Some people dissatisfied with the four sons of the Gu family, some made provocative words, some took the initiative to challenge, and some sneaked behind them, without exception, they were all beaten into dogs. Regardless of whether they are low-strength or high-strength, they are all beaten into dogs. Some were fanned and pasted on the wall and could not be removed.

Now everyone knew why the emperor looked at them with admiration.

Strong, too strong, too strong!

Now, the four sons of the Gu family are well-known in the capital. Even if it is strong, all the questions are still so good-looking! The temperament is different, but they are all so eye-catching.

In the beginning, there were always people who went to the prime minister's mansion to politely express their intention of marriage to the prime minister. And Gu Tianci has always waved his hands, he can't decide the marriage of his grandchildren, it depends on their own wishes.

Well, if this road doesn't work, then go to the emperor for a marriage.

When the emperor heard the pleas of these ministers, he secretly wiped off a cold sweat, don't hurt me, I still want to live, and I still want to see the sun tomorrow morning. Come on, I forgot to use the characters, so I was so scared that I wrote them.

The strong desire to survive made the emperor of course reject all such requests.

Okay, so I got the law. If you like it, go after it yourself, what if it succeeds?

Then, everyone knew that they really thought too much. The four sons of the Gu family didn't even look at the woman who winked at them.

There are also women who try to plot against them and marry them by destroying their innocence. As a result, he was slapped and slapped away, without a single look in his eyes.

Later, everyone came to a conclusion that the fourth son of the Gu family was obsessed with cultivation, and in their eyes, there was no distinction between men and women, and they treated them equally, and they would not sympathize with each other at all.

However, soon everyone was slapped in the face again.

These four sons have a younger sister. They held this sister up to the sky. All the gourmet sellers in the capital are familiar with the four brothers. People from jewelry stores, tailor shops, and clothing stores often come and go to the Prime Minister's Mansion, because this younger sister wants to choose jewelry, clothes, and custom-made clothes. Every time I go out, I must be accompanied by my brothers.

No, today the four elder brothers took their younger sister Gu Fenghua to eat in the restaurant, ordered a large table of food, and all were vying to get her food.

The waiter who delivered the food came out with a look of horror on his face. The last time the four sons of the Gu family beat Chen Juntian, the heir of Prince Li's family, all over the ground here, the fierceness and coldness on their faces are still fresh in Xiaoer's memory.

Now that he saw the faces of the four young masters like spring breeze, he felt that he would not live long, what the hell?

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