My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1576 Sending out the treasure as a thank you gift

This principle is the same as that when the cultivation base is promoted, the holy bead will be revealed between the eyebrows, and the holy bead will hide itself when the first-class cultivation level stabilizes. After all, condensing the Holy Soul Orb requires a strong divine sense and the power of the holy source, and these two have a great relationship with the level of cultivation.

Gu Fenghua circulated the holy energy again, and sure enough, as his cultivation gradually stabilized, the holy beads disappeared little by little behind him.

"That's good too. Always wear a halo. If you look at it too much, you won't have a sense of mystery. It's only once in a while that you can bluff people." Seeing the Holy Soul Orb gradually disappearing behind Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen seemed to have something to say. Said thoughtfully, obviously she hasn't given up on her magic stick idea yet.

Gu Fenghua and Zhong Nantian looked at each other and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads at the same time. If you want to be a magic stick so much, what kind of holy art do you practice, wouldn't it be good to go directly to the great god?

"Enen, aren't you worried? You don't have the innate dual-line Holy Spirit root like Fenghua, what should you do when you are promoted to Heavenly Sage in the future?" Zhong Nantian resisted the urge to slap her hard, and spoke to Luo Luo earnestly. Enen said.

"There's nothing to worry about. Isn't there still Fenghua? With her here, I can always find a way. Besides, don't you also say that I am a person with great luck? Once luck improves, it will be blocked. If you can't hold it, you don't need to worry." Luo Enen said disapprovingly.

Zhong Nantian looked at Luo Enen, unable to complain, what kind of luck, it's my self-consolation, okay?

However, what Loenen said earlier is correct. With Gu Fenghua's aptitude and strength, and his friendship with Loenen, he will give her a hand no matter what.

Fenghua, I really have nothing to do with this precious apprentice, so I will leave it to you in the future. Zhong Nantian glanced at Gu Fenghua, and said secretly in his heart.

Being looked at by her like this, Gu Fenghua suddenly felt a little hairy on his back: such a gaze, why is it a little bit of a caress? Your old man is really desperate for Lornen.

Watching Gu Fenghua gradually put away the Holy Soul Orb, Zhong Nantian came to Jiuqiao Lingxinmu. The green needles were already completely withered and yellow, and the vigorous and powerful branches with twisted roots were also withered and petrified. With the breeze brought by him when he walked, they turned into dust and drifted away. Only two tree species were suspended in the air.

This tree species is only the size of a thumb finger, white and flawless all over, exuding a faint fragrance of grass and trees, infiltrating it, as if being in the boundless forest and vast grassland, I feel relaxed and happy, and my mind becomes peaceful.

Zhong Nantian put away one tree seed and handed the other to Gu Fenghua.

"This is too expensive, I can't take it." Gu Fenghua quickly refused.

The Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood is too important to Nanli Sect, she has the nerve to win people's love. Besides, she got the Yao Yao Pill, the two phoenix powers perfectly blended, and the holy spirit root was transformed into an innate dual-line spiritual root, and she also used the opportunity of the life inheritance of the nine-orifice spiritual heart wood to drive the heaven and earth avenue to promote Xuan Saint Qipin, the benefits obtained are too many, as a human being, one should not be too greedy.

"The Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood consumes too much spiritual energy at the beginning of its growth. If I plant one tree, I cannot plant another tree within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, otherwise the two trees will die at the same time, so this extra tree species is harmful to us. Useless.

It is thanks to you that I can save my life. You also killed Jiao Jiao. It is thanks to you that the Nanli Sect was able to get rid of this serious trouble and regain the opportunity to rise. With your talent and understanding, I can't do anything decent Thank you Tiancaidibao, if you refuse to accept this tree seed, I will feel really sorry. " Zhong Nantian said with a serious face, firmly stuffing the tree seed into Gu Fenghua's hands.

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