"How can she do this? Doesn't she like Senior Brother Han? How can she help Fang Yunan? It's not like she doesn't know about the relationship between Fang Yunan and Senior Brother Han." Yu Le'er said angrily.

"Isn't it to force Senior Brother Han to give in?" Yu Le'er was still young and didn't quite understand the entanglement involved. Lin Ye and Zhou Siqin were both adults, so how could they not understand, they both gave Han Yangshu a meaningful look. But this woman is really stupid, she doesn't know that doing this will only push Senior Brother Han further and further away? Love is really blinding.

"Hey, why is she bothering?" Of course Han Yangshu knew what was going on, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly.

In fact, he doesn't dislike Chang Yingrong, and he can see how much she cares for him. If there is more time, it is not impossible for the two of them to get married.

But Chang Yingrong's wanton slander and insult to Gu Fenghua is absolutely unacceptable to him. Don't forget that Gu Fenghua is not only his friend, but also his benefactor. In his mind, he is no different from his teacher.

"It's a pity that Sister Fenghua is not here. Otherwise, even if Fang Yunan has learned the Nine Heavens Sword and Thunder, Brother Han can still beat him to the ground." Seeing the meaningful gazes of Lin Ye and Zhou Siqin, Yu Le'er seemed to understand Something happened, and said in frustration.

Lin Ye, Zhou Siqin and the others all looked gloomy. Yes, if Gu Fenghua was there, Han Yangshu's strength would not stop there. Even if Fang Yunan had learned the Nine Heavens Sword and Thunder, he would still not be able to change his fate of being corrupted by Han.

However, when will they be able to leave the customs? Is it true that they have to wait ten years?

Although several people thought that Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen would not retreat for so long, but after waiting for so many days, there was still no movement, and even the few of them began to waver.

"Why, I haven't seen you for a long time, you just miss me that much." At this moment, Gu Fenghua's familiar voice sounded from behind.

Hearing Gu Fenghua's voice suddenly, Han Yangshu and the others thought they were hallucinating, they were all stunned, and it took a full ten breaths before they turned their heads abruptly.

"Sister Fenghua!" Yu Le'er cheered, and jumped into Gu Fenghua's arms, her eyes were already dim with tears, like a wronged child, who was about to cry.


"Uncle Gu!" Han Yangshu, Lin Ye and the others came to Gu Fenghua's side in a few steps. In surprise, the corners of their eyes also glistened with tears.

"Sister Fenghua, why have you retreated for so long? We're almost dying of worry." Yu Le'er pouted and said to Gu Fenghua.

"By the way, Elder Qiu was angry with us, and expelled us all from the Holy Sword Peak." After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gu Fenghua's answer, he continued.

"Also, the two elders will hold the selection of inner disciples in advance, and it will start in two days. Originally, Senior Brother Han has been practicing hard during this period, and he has a good chance of entering the inner sect. Who knows that Fang Yunan has learned it for nine days. Jianlei, I heard it was taught by Senior Sister Chang, she really does, she obviously likes Senior Brother Han, no matter how unhappy she is, she can't bend her elbows, right?" Yu Le'er continued talking on her own, not at all Give Gu Fenghua a chance to interrupt.

"Actually, I can't blame her. Fang Yunan is already pretty good. Even if Senior Sister Chang didn't teach him the Nine Heavens Sword Thunder, I might not be able to beat him." Hearing Yu Le'er talking about himself and Chang Yingrong, Han Yangshu was a little embarrassed, Said with a reddish face.

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