My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1585 Did I really do something wrong?

Seeing this, Chang Wanfa stopped talking and just smiled meaningfully. Hearing the discussion in the audience, he was really worried that Qiuqianjian would change his mind and take Han Yangshu under his wing.

He is the clearest about his precious niece's thoughts. Although Han Yangshu rejected her kindness last time, and the two had a bad fight, he knew that Chang Yingrong would not give up because of this.

Sure enough, not long afterward, Chang Yingrong borrowed the sword manual of Nine Heavens Sword Thunder from him and handed it over to Fang Yunan for Shenwu. Of course, he knew that it was impossible for Chang Yingrong to change his love so quickly. Han Yangshu just bowed his head.

That being the case, how could he let Swing Sword Han Yangshu take him under his wing, ruining his precious niece's good deeds.

Originally, he wanted to say a few words about the swing sword, so that he completely broke his mind, but he didn't expect to open his mouth, and the swing sword was fired like a firecracker, and he yelled loudly in front of so many people . In this way, no matter how much Swing Sword regretted it, it would be impossible to take it back. Right in his arms.

"Elder Qiu, it's almost time, why don't we start now." Chang Wanfa looked at Sheng Shiyi and said to Qiuqianjian.

"Let's get started." Swing Sword was sulking and said in a buzzing voice.

The two of them moved and flew onto the stage at the same time.

"Today is our Nanli Sect's ten-year selection of inner disciples. Once you become an inner disciple, you will be able to learn superior cultivation methods, more powerful sword skills and holy methods, and become a disciple of our Nanli Sect. The pillars of the people." Chang Wanfa said loudly.

There was a burst of cheers from the audience.

"According to the clan rules, as long as you are a disciple of my Nanli Sect, regardless of strength, high or low, you can participate in the inner sect disciple assessment. However, this assessment is somewhat risky, so you should be cautious. If you feel that you are qualified to participate in the assessment, then Come on stage by yourself." Qiu Qianjian said.

As soon as this remark came out, all the disciples in the audience fell silent.

According to the patriarchal rules, there are three assessments for inner disciples, the first two are array tests, and the third is a duel of strength.

If one wants to become an inner disciple, one must demonstrate extraordinary talent and strength in these three assessments, and these three assessments are more or less risky. If one does not have the corresponding strength, there is no need to take risks. It would be embarrassing to go.

After thinking for a while, the excitement on the faces of many people gradually disappeared, and they sat back silently. In the end, only thirty or so people walked towards the competition platform.

"It seems that Senior Brother Han really won't come." A young man who sat down slumped looked up the mountain again, and said regretfully.

"Alas..." The companion next to him also let out a long sigh.

They chose to give up in the end, of course, because of self-knowledge, knowing that going up with their own strength would be self-defeating, but Han Yangshu's strength far surpassed them, if it hadn't been for being kicked out of the skill sect by Elder Qiu, this most precious month of time was wasted No matter what, he should have a place on the stage. Thinking of this, they felt even more sorry for Han Yangshu.

Seeing the disciples from the outer sect walking up to the stands one after another, Chang Yingrong's face turned livid. Unexpectedly, Han Yangshu was willing to give up this great opportunity to enter the inner sect, and would not bow to her!

Could it be, did I really do something wrong? In her heart, she suddenly felt confused.

At this moment, several figures appeared at the corner of the stone ladder on the mountain road.

"Senior Brother Han, Senior Brother Han is here!" A sharp-eyed disciple stood up in surprise.

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