"What a terrifying formation, Senior Brother Zhao, is it the same for the selection of inner disciples in the past?" A young disciple asked in horror and fear.

Before the start of the selection, he was originally going to participate, but he decided not to give up until the last moment. At this time, while he was secretly grateful for the previous decision, he was also a little worried. If the selection of inner disciples in the future is so dangerous, he I am afraid that I will never have the chance to become an inner disciple in my whole life.

"I've seen the selection of inner disciples twice before, how could it be so dangerous." The older disciple shook his head and said.

Hearing such an answer, many outer disciples breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, not every selection of inner disciples is so dangerous, and they still have a chance.

"Then, can Han Yangshu and the others pass this assessment?" Someone asked curiously.

"Difficult, difficult, the previous Nanli Illusionary Formation, in the final analysis, is a phantom formation, the test is their mind and will, that is, the divine sense.

For our holy masters, the spiritual sense is the most mysterious. Some people are pure in mind, and their natural spiritual sense is much stronger than others, and their resistance to phantom arrays is far better than ordinary people, even far stronger than those with higher cultivation bases. A saint teacher who is several times better than himself.

Moreover, on the one hand, it is extremely difficult to improve the spiritual sense, but on the other hand, if there is a suitable elixir of heaven and earth, it can be improved overnight, which is actually easier than the improvement of the cultivation base. Uncle's help to pass the assessment of Nanli Phantom Demon Formation is justified.

But this Nanli Thunder Fire Formation is different. The test is purely cultivation, so that's all for Junior Brother Han. Junior Brother Zhou and Junior Sister Yu are too weak after all. It is impossible to improve much in such a short period of time. "Brother Zhao thought for a while and said.

"Senior brother Zhao is right. Improving your cultivation base requires not only the accumulation of holy energy, but also the need to realize it every time, so that you can break through each bottleneck. The key is to study hard and build a good foundation." Another older brother also echoed.

"So, Senior Brother Zhou, Junior Sister Yu, and Junior Brother Lin have little hope of passing this assessment?" Someone asked.

"It's not just that there is little hope. If they are a little careless, they may still be in danger of their lives. I hope they will not be brave and ask for help as soon as possible." Senior Brother Zhao said with a serious expression.

Hearing the discussions of the disciples in the audience, Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian looked much better.

Previously, they were secretly worried about Lonen's early appearance, but they forgot that the difficulty and danger of this assessment were far more than before.

Although Han Yangshu and the others passed the test of the first formation with the help of Gu Fenghua, no matter how capable Gu Fenghua is, it is impossible for them to improve their cultivation in a short period of time, especially Yu Leer It is simply impossible for the three of them, Zhou Siqin and Lin Ye, to pass the test of the Nanli Thunder Fire Formation.

"Hmph, so what if you leave the customs early, Han Yangshu and the others still can't pass the assessment, and they will be in danger at that time, so they have to ask us for help. Speaking of it, it's great for us to show our skills and gain prestige Good opportunity." Thinking of this, Chang Qiu and the two felt relieved at the same time, and subconsciously looked at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, but were surprised to find that the two girls were looking at the stage with great interest, and there was no expression on their faces. Not at all worried.

If Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen knew what the two of them were thinking, they would probably hahahahahahahaha they, this play is a good idea.

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