My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1605 has arrogance in his bones

It can be imagined that after the selection of the inner sect disciples this time, his Shengfa Peak will be like a rainbow, who will be qualified to compete with Chang Wanfa for the position of suzerain at that time!

The sword light, accompanied by the thunder light, looked like a blue dragon soaring in the nine heavens, opening its ferocious mouth towards Han Yangshu, revealing its sharp dragon teeth.

This sword is so imposing, so unstoppable!

"Han Yangshu, if you abstain now, I'll let you go, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!" Fang Yunan shouted wildly as he swung his sword with one hand and made handprints with the other.

"Senior Brother Han, be careful!" a disciple of the Skill Sect exclaimed.

"Senior brother Han, let it go, you are still young, just wait another ten years." Several other disciples of the Jizong who had good friends with Han Yangshu also kindly advised.

Chang Yingrong looked at Han Yangshu who was shrouded in sword power, her eyes showed worry, and she seemed to want to speak, but she quickly dismissed her decision and returned to her previous indifference.

She knew Han Yangshu better than other fellow students. She knew that with his strength, even if he lost to Fang Yunan, he would not be seriously injured, nor would it cause any hindrance to his future cultivation.

More importantly, she also knew that Han Yangshu's temperament seemed gentle, but in fact he had arrogance in his bones, and he would never give up and admit defeat.

That's good too, and only when he hits his head badly, will he know that he is good. Chang Yingrong thought secretly.

Thunder roared, as if it was exploding right next to his ears, but Han Yangshu acted as if he had never heard it, his expression was still so calm and confident.

"I said, you have no chance." Han Yang slowly raised his long sword.

"Big words..." Fang Yunan smiled contemptuously, but before he finished speaking, his eyes froze.

A bolt of lightning quickly flowed across Han Yangshu's long sword like water waves, and a powerful momentum followed. An inexplicable chill also flowed through Fang Yunan's heart at the same time.

"This is..." Before Fang Yunan could understand what was going on, he saw Han Yangshu's figure flicker, turning into an afterimage of a clone, with the long sword in his hand slashing head-on at the same time, and two thunderbolts also fell from the sky at the same time.

"Kah!" The dazzling thunder light seemed to tear open the sky and split the earth.

Fang Yunan's Feitian Yunling and Jiutianlei disappeared in an instant, and the shield in front of him also shattered like soap bubbles, turning into a stream of light.

"Pfft..." With a muffled groan, Fang Yunan flew out of the competition stage like a kite with a broken string, and before he landed, blood gushed out of his mouth.

There was dead silence in the audience, Chang Yingrong was stunned, the two elders were stunned, and all the disciples of Nanli Sect were stunned.

Fang Yunan, who had been mad and invincible before, was defeated so cleanly that even Han Yangshu couldn't block it with a sword.

The so-called Flying Yun Ling and Nine Heavens Sword Thunder that are both rigid and soft, and the so-called mirror flower and water moon that are both offensive and defensive, are so vulnerable to Han Yangshu's sword, as fragile as a paper lantern!

How did Han Yangshu do it? How could this sword be so powerful?

"Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, he used Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword!" Finally, an inner disciple shouted in shock.

Hearing his words, the other disciples suddenly remembered that Luo Enen defeated Ji Yingshi last time, didn't he use the same sword skill!

Although the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword is the number one secret art of the Nanli Sect, it has been lost for thousands of years, so that many new disciples have never even heard of this unique art, and they would never have thought that Han Yangshu had also learned it. A unique skill, until then it was like waking up from a dream.

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