My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1616 It's him who really can't extricate himself

"Well..." Across the wave-like lines of light, one could see the vague tangle on Gui Yezi's face.

When he first taught Gu Fenghua the art of refining weapons, he had put forward conditions, but he was full of worries and refused to say it clearly. Of course Gu Fenghua would not agree, and the two were at a stalemate.

Later, under Gu Fenghua's food offensive, on the one hand, he couldn't control his mouth, and on the other hand, he was indeed moved by Gu Fenghua's talent for refining weapons, so he borrowed the donkey from the slope to teach him.

According to his original thinking, Gu Fenghua wanted to learn his art of refining weapons. It is not a matter of a day or two. Give her some sweets first, and when she is completely involved in it and cannot extricate herself, she is not afraid that she will not agree to his conditions. .

But who would have thought that Gu Fenghua's talent was even stronger than he had imagined at the beginning, and he refreshed his understanding of the way of refining weapons time and time again. The technique of combining spirits and the technique of combining spirits has been fully understood, and only the last technique of combining spirits remains. At this point, should he teach it or not?

"By the way, just now I was busy organizing the banquet, and the roast chickens were a bit hasty and not tasty enough. I'll roast a few more." Of course, Gu Fenghua saw that Gui Yezi was hesitating, so he didn't talk to him. Grinding his lips, he took out the barbecue grill neatly—according to experience, this move is the most effective against Gui Yezi, and it has been tried and tested.

Sure enough, the grilled chicken on the first-class shelf gradually took on a golden color, and the faint smell of meat permeated the air. The tangled look on Gui Yezi's face gradually disappeared, and the sound of "gudong gudong" swallowing saliva could not be concealed. up.

"That's all, I'll just teach you, hurry up and roast, don't dawdle... Gudong!" Looking eagerly at the tempting roast chicken on the grate, Gui Yezi couldn't wait to say goodbye, but still slowed down. Gu Fenghua, who was turning the stick, said.

Anyway, sooner or later, you have to compromise, it's better to teach it earlier, at least you can look a little more generous, the more you eat later, the more unsightly you are, and the more embarrassing you will be. Gui Yezi comforted himself in this way.

Only then did he sadly discover that it was not Gu Fenghua who could not extricate himself, but himself who was deeply trapped in the temptation of delicious food. This Gu Fenghua is simply his nemesis.

"It will be ready soon. The most important thing about this barbecue is the heat. When it needs to be roasted quickly and when it needs to be roasted slowly, there are rules. If there is a slight mistake, the taste of the roast will be different They are quite different, and the materials used are also very important. Do you know why I use charcoal fire, so that the taste of roasting is mellow and delicious, and all kinds of seasonings are three-pointed, and why use wooden sticks to pierce the chicken, because it is roasted in this way. The chicken mixed with the fragrance of grass and trees can dissolve the smell of mutton in the meat, making people never get tired of eating it. If you use iron brazing, you can't achieve this effect at all. Also, the condiments I use are actually It is also carefully selected, let's take the pepper as an example, it must..." Gu Fenghua sped up the speed, while talking about the classics of barbecue.

This is her unique skill, even Fatty Bai, who is unparalleled in cooking skills, can't learn it. In a sense, her accomplishments in barbecue are even better than her alchemy. Enough to make her stand out from the rest of the world!

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