My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1635 heartache heartache whole body pain

Looking at Luo Enen, who was haggling with Chang Wanfa, Gu Fenghua suddenly felt a little emotional, if Miss Luo could also bargain like this when shopping, it would be great.

If the head of the Luo family could see this scene, he would definitely feel the same emotion. In fact, everyone who has seen Miss Luo's halo in the Tiankeng will feel the same emotion if they are lucky enough to see this scene.

"Junior Sister, we really have no choice, the maximum is two thousand, otherwise it will be useless even if you kill us." Chang Wanfa said with a bitter face.

Originally, he wanted to save some pension money for himself, but he didn't expect that Luo Enen was so difficult to deal with, and finally forced him to show his cards.

Why didn't I see her so shrewd when I went to Lanshan City a few times before? Well, not only Gu Fenghua, but the two elders also expressed the same emotion in their hearts.

"Junior Sister, we really can't help it. After giving you these Holy Spirit Stones, we don't even have the coffin." Chang Wanfa said with a mournful face.

"Okay, let's do it for the time being." Lonen said.

Judging by Chang Wanfa's appearance, there should be no other way, and the swing sword next to him is even more red-faced, and he may go crazy at any time, and he must have reached his limit. The rabbit bites when it is in a hurry.

Seeing that she finally let go, both Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian let out a long sigh of relief.

"Then when will you send it?" Swing Sword asked impatiently.

"I'll make some preparations first. If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave in two or three days," Lornen said.

"Okay, okay, junior sister must let us know when the time comes, so we can hold a banquet for you to practice." Chang Wanfa said.

"It's not an outsider, so there's no need to trouble yourself." Loenen said politely.

"No, no, no, you don't know when you will come back after you left, and we don't know when we will be reunited as brothers and sisters. This banquet must be held." Chang Wanfa insisted.

Sending away the little plague god Luo Enen, especially the big plague god Gu Fenghua, they all have to have a few drinks to celebrate. It happened that I could take this opportunity to practice it for the two of them. One, it could prevent the disciples from gossiping behind their backs. Two, if I practiced it for Luo Enen, I could use the public property of the Nanli Sect without having to pay for it myself. It kills two birds with one stone.

The two majestic elders actually end up pretending to be selfish even after drinking a few glasses of wine. Thinking about it, even they themselves feel sad.

"Then respect is worse than obedience. In two or three days, I will tell you when I am ready." Luo Enen said.

"Okay, okay, little junior sister, hurry up and get ready. It's been two hundred years since a school opened again to accept disciples. Don't miss the time. Let's take our leave now." Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian's hearts finally fell When it comes to the actual situation, he is about to leave as soon as he talks, giving Lornen enough time to prepare.

"Wait, Brother Chang Qiu, did you forget something?" Luo Enen called to stop the two of them.

"What?" Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian were startled at the same time.

"Money, you haven't given me the Holy Spirit Stone yet, how can I prepare it?" Lonen said.

"Oh, that's right." Only then did Chang Qiu and the two remember that they were too eager to forget the most important thing, and hurriedly took out the Holy Spirit Stone from the storage bracelet and handed it to Lonen.

When counting the Holy Spirit Stones, their hands trembled slightly, and their hearts ached even more. No, they are not only suffering from heartache, but also heartache, lungache, and bodyache.

But in order to send away the two gods of plague, Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua, they can't control so much.

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