My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1668 Rubbing hands excitedly

"She, that's her. She doesn't have someone, isn't she the elder of Nanli Sect?" Suddenly, Hua Mingyu said excitedly with his eyes wide open. Because he was so excited, his voice was trembling slightly, and his breathing also changed. Extraordinarily hasty.

The skin is like fat, the collar is like a grub, the teeth are like a gourd rhinoceros, the head of a scorpion is like a moth, and the eyebrows are full of smiles, and the eyes are beautiful... Gu Fenghua's appearance is more beautiful and beautiful than that of Luo Enen and Chang Yingrong. And weak like the temperament of iceberg snow lotus, it makes people feel pity involuntarily.

What is a stunning beauty, this is called a stunning beauty! Hua Mingyu only took one look at Gu Fenghua, but couldn't look back anymore.

Everyone around was stunned! In Nanli Sect, who doesn't know that Luo Enen's current cultivation base is all due to Gu Fenghua, Han Yangshu and others who are able to comprehend the sect's number one unique skill, and thus become a blockbuster, and it is also because of Gu Fenghua, and even other disciples. After Qingxigu went to the banquet, she received the holy elixir gifted by her, and her cultivation base has been greatly improved. Although Gu Fenghua is only here as a guest, her reputation is no longer inferior to that of Luo Enen.

Hua Mingyu, the toad, wanted to eat swan meat, and didn't care about his own virtue, so he dared to play Gu Fenghua's idea.

Angry, at this moment, everyone is angry.

But besides being angry, Lornen wanted to laugh more. It's fine for this idiot to play with his own ideas, but he still wants to play with Gu Fenghua's.

Who is Gu Fenghua?

She usually looks gentle and gentle, but when she is serious, she is also scary. But when she is angry, she is a big devil. A big devil with a small white flower on the outside.

Luo Enen looked at Hua Mingyu with pity, he couldn't even imagine what would happen to this mentally handicapped person.

"Her name is Gu Fenghua, she is not a disciple of my Nanli Sect, she is a guest of Nanli Sect." Chang Wanfa said.

"It's not a disciple of Nanli Sect, so which sect is it?" Hua Mingyu asked. When asking questions, his eyes were still firmly fixed on Gu Fenghua's body.

This time, no one spoke. Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian really wanted to reveal Gu Fenghua's identity as a casual cultivator, so as to bring disaster to the east, but after careful consideration, they felt that it was inappropriate.

Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua are the same sisters, how could Hua Mingyu let Gu Fenghua have his ideas, and then they might completely turn against Hua Mingyu and cause trouble for Nanlizong.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter which sect you are, I've decided, and I'll marry you tomorrow." Although Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian were wise once in a while and didn't want to cause trouble, Hua Mingyu was sure of it. Gu Fenghua pointed at her and said in an irrefutable tone.

"You marry as you say, shouldn't you ask my opinion first?" Gu Fenghua said with a soft smile.

Originally, this was Nanlizong's matter, and she didn't want to interfere, but Hua Mingyu didn't know what to do, and insisted on provoking her, so don't blame her for being rude.

Seeing the harmless smile on Gu Fenghua's face that was as gentle and soft as a small white flower, Han Yangshu and the others gasped.

Every time Gu Fenghua showed such a smile, someone must be in trouble, and this time will definitely be no exception. Looking at Hua Mingyu again, they even felt a little sympathetic. This self-righteous idiot, it's not good to provoke anyone, but if he insists on provoking Gu Fenghua, isn't he courting death?

Lorne rubbed his hands excitedly.

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