"This... what is this?" Hua Qianyuan was startled suddenly, and said subconsciously.

No one answered his question, he only saw the calm smile on Gu Fenghua's face.

"Not good!" Hua Qianyuan felt strong uneasiness in his heart, and instinctively withdrew his sword and retreated.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, the Water Breaking Cloud Dragon transformed by the sword glow suddenly stopped, and was instantly smashed to pieces by the giant cauldron, turning into a water-blue streamer. The giant tripod continued to fall towards Hua Qianyuan as if it was not hindered at all.

"Artifact!" Hua Qianyuan finally saw the grade of the cauldron.

With Gu Fenghua's strength in the Profound Sage Realm, no matter how powerful the magic weapon he can control, it is impossible to break his Water Breaking Cloud Dragon so easily, so the only possibility is - the magic weapon! Only a divine weapon can break through the limitations of Gu Fenghua Xuansheng's cultivation base and burst out with such power.

Chang Wanfa, Qiuqianjian and the others were also taken aback and almost jumped up. No wonder Gu Fenghua dared to do it. It turned out that besides her own extraordinary strength and having three demon pets, she actually had a divine weapon!

Hua Qianyuan's face changed drastically, and he raised his long sword horizontally to block in front of him.

If it is in its prime, even if Gu Fenghua has a divine weapon, he may not be able to resist it - after all, there is a gap in strength between the two, no matter how powerful the divine weapon is, it cannot be against the sky, right?

But don't forget that he had been injured by Gu Fenghua's sword before he missed his hand carelessly. Although his aura remained undiminished on the surface, the injury was not serious. How could he be able to block such a magical weapon?

"Crack!" The long sword in Hua Qianyuan's hand broke at the sound, and the next moment, the Yaomu tripod had already hit his chest heavily.

"Pfft!" Hua Qianyuan spat out another mouthful of blood.

After all, he is a strong man in the Heavenly Sacred Realm, and the long sword in his hand is not ordinary. After severely injuring Hua Qianyuan, the power of the magic weapon contained in the Yaomu cauldron was exhausted, and it flew back to Gu Fenghua's body by itself. storage bracelet.

However, Hua Qianyuan did not relax because of this. Before he landed, the three brats rushed up again, punching and kicking him.

This time, Gu Fenghua was not idle either. Almost at the same time as the three bear children rushed to Hua Qianyuan's side, her slightly thin but slim figure also came behind him, stretching her legs fiercely He kicked Hua Qianyuan's waist and eyes.

This time, he was facing a strong man in the realm of heavenly sages. Even if he was still breathing, there was still a threat. There is only one chance, Gu Fenghua doesn't want to underestimate the enemy and make the same big mistake as Hua Qianyuan.

"Aw..." After being kicked by Gu Fenghua, Hua Qianyuan wailed, and his body arched like a shrimp. Immediately afterwards, cheap vines, obsidian's bear's paw, and inhabited fox's paw all fell down like a storm.

The shrill screams sounded again and again.

Covered under the stormy attack of the three bear children, Hua Qianyuan was completely powerless to resist, like a small boat in a storm, swaying with the waves, despite the bullying.

This is not because the strength of the three brats can really suppress him to death. Even if he is seriously injured, he will not be completely powerless in the face of the three underage monsters.

What really made him uncomfortable was Gu Fenghua's kick, which hit his waist and eyes, which not only caused him to die of pain, but also blocked the circulation of his blood and cut off the holy energy in his body.

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