Right now is the best time to revitalize the sect, and they don't want to ruin the event. As elders, they still have this awareness.

"Elder Supreme, the two of us have no virtue and incompetence, and we are indeed not qualified to take the position of suzerain." After fighting for so many years, they gave up as soon as they said they would give up. The two of them thought that they would be a little bit reconciled, but it was only after the words came out that they were surprised. I found out that I didn't feel much lost, but more relaxed like relief, and my whole mood suddenly became brighter.

"You finally figured it out." Seeing the relaxed look in the eyes of the two of them, Zhong Nantian showed relief again.

"Then, is there anyone for the Supreme Elder to choose for the position of suzerain?" As expected of being one of the two elders, once Chang Wanfa let go of his obsession, Chang Wanfa immediately corrected his mentality and began to think about the future of the sect, choosing the suzerain I don't want to delay for a moment.

"Although I have been in Nanli Bazhentu these days, I am not ignorant of the sect's affairs. In my opinion, Yang Shu is very good. I intend to accept him as a disciple and make him the young sect master temporarily. , with the three of us assisting, what do you think?" Zhong Nantian obviously had an idea long ago, so he said in a leisurely manner.

"Me?" Han Yangshu never thought that the Supreme Elder would choose him, and was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you a little too young?" Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian said at the same time.

This time it was not selfishness, but really thinking about the future of the sect. Although Han Yangshu has good strength and understanding, but after all, he is too young, and he has only been promoted to the inner sect for a short time, so he suddenly becomes the young suzerain, no matter how he thinks about it, he thinks it is too hasty.

"What are you afraid of when you are young? You are not born to be elders, are you? With the three of us helping you, there is nothing to worry about." Zhong Nantian said with a smile, and gave Gu Fenghua a sneaky wink. glanced.

Chang Wanfa and Qiuqian Jianxin understood, and they would feel better right away.

It's not Han Yangshu, but Gu Fenghua that the Supreme Elder really likes.

With Gu Fenghua's talent, he definitely won't stay in Nanli Sect, and Luo Enen will definitely leave, and after she leaves, Han Yangshu and Gu Fenghua have the deepest friendship in the entire Nanli Sect. Sovereign, no matter what happens in the future, Gu Fenghua will not just sit idly by.

This is the true intention of the Supreme Elder. What is scheming and what is far-sighted. At this moment, Chang Qiu and the two admired Zhong Nantian so much!

Jiang is still old and hot, and an old fox is an old fox. An old man in a family is like a treasure... At this time, the two of them thought through all the words that can praise the old.

"The elder Taishang is right, so let Yangshu be the young suzerain, and the three of us will assist together." Chang Wanfa said decisively.

Now that it has been determined that Gu Fenghua's future achievements are limitless, then this thigh must not be missed, no matter how much the price is, you must hold it tight, hold it tight!

"No, no, no, I have limited aptitude and limited strength, how can I be the young suzerain?" Han Yangshu finally came back to his senses, and repeatedly declined.

"Needless to say, we've made up our minds, so we've made up our minds, Wanfa, send me an oral order immediately, from today onwards, Han Yangshu will be the young suzerain of my Nanli Sect." Zhong Nantian didn't even give him a chance to refuse.

"Yes, Supreme Elder!" Chang Wanfa walked out quickly.

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