It was the first time that Luo Enen discovered that Gu Fenghua's bargaining was so cruel.

The two squatted in front of a small vendor looking at the things the vendor placed on the ground.

"What is this?" Loenn saw a small pile of black stones randomly placed in the corner, and curiously picked one up and asked.

"Oh, girl, you are really astute. This stone... this black glazed stone is a rare and rare thing. Look at the color and shape. It is used to make bracelets and necklaces. , how special." The peddler saw the two well-dressed young girls, and immediately regained his energy, his eyes glowed, and he started to introduce them endlessly.

"Really? It's quite special." Listening to the other party's eloquent introduction, Luo Enen became interested.

Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen with caring and mentally retarded eyes, don't think she didn't hear it just now, what the peddler wanted to talk about just now was this stone, as for the black glazed stone, it might be the name made up by this person. This fool is a set.

"Of course it's true. Such a rare thing can only be matched with someone as handsome as you, Miss. It's not expensive. Among the dozens of stones, the black glaze stone only needs a hundred low-grade Holy Spirit stones." The peddler said with joy, When this rainbow fart blows down, Lornen is about to fly.

"Okay, then I'll..." In addition to listening to this rainbow fart, Lonen felt comfortable physically and mentally, and he also liked the dark stone, so he planned to pay for it.

"Wait." Gu Fenghua raised his hand to hold Luo Enen's hand, looked at the peddler and asked, "Should you sell the three low-grade Holy Spirit Stones?"

Not to mention the peddler's eyes widened, even Lonen's mouth opened wide.

At this price, the dragon-slaying sword, if you cut it down, let alone the meat, the bones will be shaved off.

"Girl, you, stop joking, three low-grade holy spirit stones, how is it possible?" The peddler smiled embarrassingly.

"Where did you pick it up by chance? It's a free sale. If you have a few Holy Spirit Stones, you can have a cup of tea." Gu Fenghua bared his teeth and smiled. Of course, a few low-grade Holy Spirit Stones can't be worth a cup of tea, which is enough for many ordinary families.

As soon as Gu Fenghua said this, the peddler's face changed. I groaned in my heart, what the hell, how did this little girl guess that he picked up this stone casually? Originally, I wanted to slaughter the little fat sheep, but these two girls were obviously not little fat sheep.

"Hey, you can't say that. Although this stone was picked up, it was also picked up in a dangerous place. The value is different." The peddler continued bragging cheekily.

"Ten yuan, no more." Gu Fenghua pulled Luo Enen as if to leave.

"Hey, come here, things are only sold to those who are destined. Since the two girls are destined to be with this pile of stones, I will sell them to you. I am also a straightforward person. Ten yuan is ten yuan." The peddler found a small cloth pocket, neatly packed the dozen or so dark stones, and shouted at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen.

"Okay, thank you very much. Business is booming." Gu Fenghua took over the small cloth bag, handed over ten low-grade holy spirit stones, and dragged the bewildered Lonen away.

"Okay, I would like to borrow your good words. Come back again when you have time." The peddler happily took the stone, business, who doesn't like to hear good things like business is booming?

Luo Enen came back to his senses after walking a certain distance, and looked at Gu Fenghua: "Fenghua, your bargaining level has improved again. You have won the true inheritance of Brother Ji."

"No." Gu Fenghua turned his head to look at Luo Enen, looking at her with loving and compassionate eyes, "You have become more stupid."

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