The two of them bought and bought along the way, and Lonen bought a lot of things, and the storage bracelet was full. Gu Fenghua was still puzzled, she also bought a lot, and some of them had a light yellow aura around them. What has actually happened?

After dinner in the evening, when the two returned to their residence, Gu Fenghua poured out all the yellow smelling things that he bought today.

"What's the matter?" Luo Enen sat while chewing the five-spice beef jerky he bought, drinking chrysanthemum tea, and asked Gu Fenghua vaguely.

"I suspect that these things are a little different." Gu Fenghua picked up a herb, which was the herb she found surrounded by a yellow aura.

"Why is it different? It's not the same as ordinary herbs." After eating a piece of beef jerky, Lonen took a big sip of tea and narrowed his eyes happily. I thought to myself that this snack tastes really good, so I will buy some more tomorrow.

"Where's the small pile of black stones you bought, give it to me." Gu Fenghua put down the herbs and said to Luo Enen.

Without further ado, Lonen found out the small cloth bag and dumped out the small pile of stones.

Gu Fenghua saw the unusual little stone at a glance, picked it up and held it in his hand and said to Lonen: "Can't you really see the difference in this stone?"

"What's the difference? Aren't they all pitch-black?" Luo Enen stared at the black stone in Gu Fenghua's hand with wide eyes, no matter how he looked at it, it was no different.

"These things have a light yellow aura around them." Gu Fenghua said in a low voice.

"Where?" Luo Enen stared like cross-eyed eyes, but still didn't see the yellow aura Gu Fenghua was talking about.

"It seems that only I can see it." Gu Fenghua confirmed the guess in his heart.

"Ah?!" Upon hearing this, Luo Enen was startled, straightened up and stared at the stone in Gu Fenghua's hand, "Then what's different about this stone?"

Gu Fenghua didn't answer, but put down the stone, then picked up the previous herb, and compared it with several other herbs. After looking at it, smelling it again, and pinching it lightly, Gu Fenghua soon noticed something strange.

She put the herb on the table, took out a small knife, and carefully cut open the herb in the middle. Then, under Lornen's astonished eyes, a tender green herb lay impressively in the middle of this herb.

"I'm going! There is actually a parasitic herb in it, this is... this is Biluocao!" The beef jerky in Luo Enen's hand almost fell off. The difference between the value of this green grass and the value of the herb they originally bought is not ordinary. The value of this green grass is probably dozens of times that of the medicinal herbs outside.

Although Gu Fenghua had a vague guess in her heart, when the guess became a fact, her heart became a little excited. She put down the herb, and pointed the knife at the black stone before.

When Gu Fenghua carefully broke open the black stone, revealing a small golden thing inside, the beef jerky in Luo Enen's hand was really unsteady.

Shuiyueliu Jinsha!

What is wrapped in this black stone is such precious fine gold and mithril! Back then, Luo Enen went to blackmail Chang Qiu and the two of them, and among the good things they got blackmailed, was this Water Moon Flowing Sands. The value of something that can be regarded as a treasure by the two elders can be imagined. But now, they have it in front of them, although it is a small piece, the problem is, it was bought from a few low-grade Holy Spirit Stones.

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