My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1711 Continue to go treasure hunting tomorrow

"Can you see through the illusion created by Juju?" Lorne rejoiced and looked at the lamp in his hand over and over.

"It should be possible, but if Juju continues to grow up, it will probably be difficult." Gu Fenghua summoned Jiaojuju by the way, and a ball of fiery red hair came out and burrowed into Gu Fenghua's arms. Looking at the three big fluffy tails, Gu Fenghua felt itchy in his heart, so he licked them immediately.

"How many tails do you think Juju will grow in the end?" Seeing this scene, Luo Enen was also happy, and reached out to touch the tail.

"It should be nine tails. It is said that the strongest fox in the history of the phantom fox family has nine tails. I believe that Juju can also grow nine tails." Gu Fenghua lovingly touched Jiaojuju's small head, and took Feed it some snacks bought today.

Jiaoju happily took it, and started to eat it with two front paws. That well-behaved look made Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's hearts soft, and they couldn't help but licked again.

Lornen looked away, looked at the things on the table again, and came to a conclusion: "Fenghua, that is to say, the things you can identify now are only medicinal herbs, fine gold and mithril, and magic tools."

"Yes, and I'm not sure how high-quality it can be. I need to try more." Gu Fenghua nodded.

Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Luo Enen was still very happy: "Wow, then did we get rich and rich, and we can pick up the leaks in the future."

Gu Fenghua was thinking about other issues. She is not in a calm mood at the moment, but she thinks more and further. These are the only things that can be identified now. Will there be more things that can be identified when I become stronger and find other Phoenix Forces?

Thinking of such a possibility, Gu Fenghua also became happy.

"Then let's continue the treasure hunt tomorrow." Loenen said excitedly.

"Yes, but keep your mind at ease." Gu Fenghua stroked Jiaojuju's little head, and said seriously, "It's good luck to pick up leaks, but it's not a way to make choices. Don't spoil your mood."

"Yeah." Luo Enen realized as soon as he heard this, and immediately understood what Gu Fenghua meant. Picking up and missing things seems to feel like a lot of pies are falling from the sky. It is okay to be happy, but it cannot encourage the mentality of getting something for nothing.

Gu Fenghua put away all his things, thinking about going to those big herb stores in Lanshan City the next day to see if he could buy some herbs, and sell some pills by the way. This kind of large store will not only sell medicinal herbs but also receive pills.

Lornen tried all kinds of snacks there, and after confirming which ones were delicious, he decided to buy more tomorrow. Seeing how delicious she was eating alone, Gu Fenghua couldn't help joining the ranks of trying.

"This beef jerky is good, but this fish floss is a bit fishy. Eh? This dried fig is quite sweet. You can buy more of this. Juju likes to eat this." Gu Fenghua said happily.

"How about this? This mung bean cake is sweet but not greasy, and it melts in your mouth. I haven't eaten such a mung bean cake for a long time. The mung bean cake I bought at Fengming Ji last time was full of mouthfuls, and it didn't melt at all. "Lonen handed a piece of mung bean cake to Gu Fenghua's mouth like a treasure. Gu Fenghua bit it down and squinted his eyes comfortably.

"Sure enough, this is not bad. Let's go buy some tomorrow." Gu Fenghua nodded.

The two ate happily, stuffing some into Jiaojuju's mouth from time to time. It seemed to be back to the happy time when the two of them lived in the same dormitory in Lingtian Academy.

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