My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1717 It's miserable to make ends meet

"Of course there is no problem. If Master refines any elixir in the future, we will give priority to selling it to you." Seeing Guanshi Liu being so upbeat, Gu Fenghua naturally wouldn't be stingy. The plan in mind was to send a message to the Nanli Sect to sell some pills while they were still staying in Lanshan City. However, this is of course a way to deceive others, in fact, the elixir is still refined here by Gu Fenghua.

"That's a good relationship, that's a good relationship." Guanshi Liu nodded excitedly, recovered his normal state after a while, put away the porcelain bottle, and then asked someone to fetch the Holy Spirit Stone. The Holy Spirit Stone was quickly retrieved and placed in a storage ring.

Guanshi Liu originally wanted to give the storage ring to Gu Fenghua and the others together, but such things as storage rings cannot be stacked in other storage spaces. Luo Enen disliked too many storage rings and asked Guanshi Liu directly. Pour out the Holy Spirit Stone, and she will count it.

Lornen's eyes widened when the Holy Spirit Stone emitting a faint white light was poured out and piled up in a small pile on the ground. So much money, so much money!

"Wait, you don't need to give so many. I still need to buy some herbs. Look at Guanshi Liu, there are dozens of herbs on this list." Gu Fenghua handed a list to Guanshi Liu. hand.

Manager Liu took a look, his face was a bit complicated, he turned his head to look at Luo Enen who was counting the Holy Spirit Stones with great interest, and said with difficulty: "Well, Miss Luo, these Holy Spirit Stones may not be enough..."

Lonen's hand, which was counting the Holy Spirit Stones, froze in mid-air, and turned to look at Gu Fenghua dumbly. I spit out what I just earned, it hurts!

Gu Fenghua coughed in embarrassment, and said to Guanshi Liu seriously: "Then please trouble Guanshi Liu to take back these Holy Spirit Stones. Herbs are all needed, and how many Holy Spirit Stones are missing, we will make up."

Under Lorne's resentful eyes, Guanshi Liu put away the Holy Spirit Stones again. With his back turned to Luo Enen, he felt that Luo Enen's eyes were about to burn a hole through his back.

"Master also gave me a magic weapon. I don't need it anymore. I want to ask Guanshi Liu, if I want to use a defensive magic weapon, where is the best place to get it? Is there any reliable chamber of commerce to recommend?" Gu Fenghua asked again road. The elixir can no longer be sold, but it is still possible to sell a small magic weapon. Just say I can't use it.

"Then it's really time for you to come. Five days later, the Lanshan Chamber of Commerce will hold an auction meeting. I can get invitations for the two girls. At that time, the two girls can go in with the invitations. The magic weapon can be sold directly to the Chamber of Commerce. You can also entrust the auction to the Chamber of Commerce. If you entrust the auction, the Chamber of Commerce will charge a 5% handling fee." Liu Guanshi narrowed his eyes with a smile, and he could tell that these two girls were worth a lot. Thinking about it, their master is an alchemist, maybe a holy alchemist.

What is the most important thing for a holy alchemist? No shortage of money. Look at the herbs purchased by Ms. Gu, they must have been purchased for her master. Tsk tsk, my mother, there are so many herbs, including so many high-level herbs, this holy alchemist has a lot of attainments. And the magic weapon that such a rich sage alchemy gives to his disciples, will it be ordinary?

Of course he was happy to have a better relationship with the people from the chamber of commerce.

"Thank you so much, Guanshi Liu." Gu Fenghua was also happy in her heart. She and Lonen were very lucky to meet Guanshi Liu this time. Even if Guanshi Liu told them this to sell them well, he had to admit that it was all very useful news.

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