My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1720 No money and no sense of security

"I don't have much money anymore." When Gu Fenghua said this, he felt a little depressed. When she left Feitianzong, the suzerain gave her some holy spirit stones, but the herbs she bought just now were basically spent. The cost of accommodation was still paid by Lornen. Alas, I never imagined that she would have such a poor day.

"Ah, it's okay, I'll buy it if I buy it." Lornen didn't care, full of pride.

"Go back to refine the magic weapon tonight, and then go to the Lanshan Chamber of Commerce tomorrow." Gu Fenghua was thinking.

This restaurant served the food very quickly, and within a short while, the table was full of food. After asking Xiaoer to close the door for them, Gu Fenghua released Jianjian and Jiaojuju, and asked them to sit down and eat together.

Naturally, Jianjian still eats a lot of wind and clouds. The little bear cub was also eating big mouthfuls. Jiaojuju saw that it must be following the pace of the eldest and second child. It also opened its mouth wide and kept eating.

Luo Enen watched Gu Fenghua's three demon pets feasting, and quickly waved the chopsticks in his hand.

Oh, Fenghua's pet is really not picky. Easy to raise!

After lunch, the two went to buy some snacks, then walked back to their residence. Originally it was about continuing the "treasure hunt" today, but Gu Fenghua didn't have any thoughts anymore, he just wanted to refine the magic weapon quickly and earn some money first. There is too much uncertainty in picking up this kind of thing. If you are not sure that you can solve the urgent need now, let's talk about it later.

They lived in a separate small courtyard. In Luo Enen's words, my sister has money now, so of course she should enjoy it.

With this independent space, Gu Fenghua is not afraid of being disturbed. After returning to the residence, he began to concentrate on refining the weapon.

She spent a little time refining two magic weapons.

Under the condition that Gu Fenghua deliberately "released the water", he finally succeeded in refining two magical artifacts of fairly good quality.

One is a beautifully styled necklace, which is a defensive magic weapon. The other is a more exquisite bracelet, which is also a defensive magic weapon. These two magic tools can withstand the attacks of Xuansheng cultivators, but if they encounter a master of the Heavenly Sage, they will be useless if they can withstand it for a while at most. But it is also enough.

"This necklace and bracelet are so beautiful. Even if it's not a magic weapon, a beautiful woman will buy it." Luo Enen picked up the two magic weapons and looked at them, sincerely admiring them.

"I hope to sell it at a good price at that time. Only when you have money can you have confidence. Otherwise, you will always be empty in your heart." Gu Fenghua sighed.

"I understand, I understand. It's like the feeling of not wearing underwear. There is no sense of security." Lorne happily tried on the necklace and bracelet on the side, and then said.

Gu Fenghua twitched the corner of his mouth, what Luo Enen said was really... rough but not rough. If there is no money in the bag, there is no sense of security.

On the second day, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen went out early in the morning. After inquiring where the Lanshan Chamber of Commerce was, they went there for a walk.

The Lanshan Chamber of Commerce is really rich and powerful, that is, the stone lions at the gate of the Chamber of Commerce are more powerful than those in other places, and they are a whole size bigger.

Because of the invitation card from Guanshi Liu, the two of them were treated politely at the door, and they became even more enthusiastic when they heard that they were here to entrust the auction of the magic weapon. Immediately someone will take them to the reception place.

The person in charge of receiving them was a young man with a round face. He was slightly fat and had two dimples on his face when he smiled. He looked very festive.

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