My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1725 It is much more pleasing to the eye now

Upon hearing this, the steward of the Chamber of Commerce immediately arranged a reception room, served fragrant tea to everyone, and closed the door for them intimately.

After everyone sat down, Master Hua smiled and asked, "I don't know what this little friend's last name is yet."

"My junior's surname is Gu, and my first name is Gu Fenghua. This is Luo Enen, my junior sister. We are going to participate in the practice of a school." Gu Fenghua said with some embarrassment, "The junior was too reckless outside before. Well, if you offend me, please invite Master Haihan. However, I know that Master will not argue with me. Master is not only kind-hearted, but also has a huge stomach."

Master Hua couldn't help laughing at Gu Fenghua's playful self-talk. This little girl is really interesting.

"You little sycophant." Master Hua's two disciples couldn't help laughing. Looking at Gu Fenghua now is much more pleasing to the eye.

"Why is it flattering? What I said is the truth." Gu Fenghua looked serious and serious.

Looking at it like this, Master Hua, his master and his disciples couldn't help laughing again.

Luo Enen was busy worshiping Gu Fenghua in his heart. Look, Fenghua is Fenghua, this flattery is beyond compare.

"However, Miss Gu, how do you know that there is something in that little incense burner?" Master Hua finally asked the question he had wanted to know for a long time.

"Because I have encountered this kind of situation before. I have encountered it twice, so I just guessed whether there is something in that little incense burner." She could see things surrounded by mist on good things and said, "I also saw that Master, you couldn't bear the hope of that person to be dashed, so you gave another free appraisal to see how pitiful that person is, and then I spoke impulsively. "

"Have you encountered it before?" Master Hua was puzzled.

"It's like this, look." Gu Fenghua put out a pile of black stones, and took out another piece of Shuiyueliu Jinsha, "Look, this piece of Shuiyueliu Jinsha fell out of one of the black stones Yes. Originally we bought it to make a bracelet, but when we punched a hole in a stone, we found something was wrong, and found this piece of water and moon flowing gold sand inside."

Master Hua picked up the black stones, looked at them one by one, and found that there was indeed a small hole in them, but there was nothing unusual inside. Apparently, there was only one black stone hiding something.

"I have also seen that Master received a bunch of herbs, some of them were mischievous and wanted to make Shiquan Dabu porridge, some herbs were cut up as vegetables, and in the end, another parasitic herb was found inside a very ordinary herb. Planting medicinal herbs is even more valuable. That’s why I saw that person said so confidently today, so I rashly opened my mouth and wanted to try it.” Gu Fenghua said the matter of medicinal herbs into another version, if these two things happened recently , that is too suspicious. Let's blame Lonen.

Luo Enen was listening, showing an embarrassing expression at the right time, and muttered: "Isn't that young and ignorant? It's all over. Didn't Master punish me then?"

Seeing Master Hua's sudden and helpless smile, Luo Enen gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. As for acting, supporting roles also have dignity. Let's see if I cooperate, okay?

"So that's it." Master Hua stroked his white beard and sighed, "This is the first time I've heard of such a thing in my life. It's also a gain of knowledge. In the future, I will appraise things more. Be careful."

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