My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1727 It's really distressing

The invitations given by the steward this time are obviously different. The invitations given by the steward Liu are very ordinary, but the invitations given by the steward of the Chamber of Commerce have bronzing patterns on them. I also know that the positions of these two invitations must be higher than the previous two. Hello.

"These two artifacts are not bad. They are not much different from that person's semi-sacred artifacts." After appraising Gu Fenghua's two artifacts, Master Hua exclaimed, "You are sure, these two artifacts are really important. Sell?"

"Sell." Gu Fenghua nodded, "Because we still have better ones, and we don't need this one."

"Alright." Master Hua nodded, "Then if you have nothing to do tomorrow, come to me. I will treat you to a big meal tomorrow. Among the apprentices accompanying me this time, there is one who is very fond of cooking. If I have nothing to do tomorrow, I will cook." East."

Lornen's eyes lit up when he heard the big meal. Gu Fenghua wasn't much better either.

"Okay, then we will definitely come tomorrow." Gu Fenghua nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "We must come to visit the master tomorrow."

"Okay, come earlier." Master Hua said with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Master Hua, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen slowly strolled back to their residence.

"This Master Hua is really kind." Lonen said as he walked.

"Yes, the same surname is Hua, why are Hua Qianyuan and Hua Mingyu so annoying." Gu Fenghua also nodded in agreement.

"Especially that Hua Mingyu, those mentally retarded brains are full of water, his brain is simply rotten water." When Luo Enen mentioned Hua Mingyu, he couldn't get angry, "That Hua Qian How does Yuan teach his son, if he doesn’t know how to teach him, what will he do when he was born.”

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked." Gu Fenghua shrugged his shoulders and complained, "I suspect that the former suzerain of the Shuiyun Sect would not be able to teach his son, so he taught Hua Qianyuan badly, and then Hua Qianyuan got worse. , made Hua Mingyu even more stupid."

"That makes sense." Luo Enen nodded, and then changed the topic, "What are we going to eat tonight? I asked the guy this morning, and there is a grilled fish shop here. The grilled fish is delicious. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside." Yes, the fish we choose are those with only one big bone spur and no small spines. Let's go eat."

"Okay." Gu Fenghua agreed, of course, "Where is this store? Have you asked clearly?"

"Ask clearly, follow me, follow me." Luo Enen grabbed Gu Fenghua's arm and pulled her forward.


In a restaurant in the west of Lanshan City, Hua Mingyu and his younger junior sister were preparing for dinner.

"Junior Sister, you can eat whatever you want, and you don't have to save money for me." Hua Mingyu said to Feng Yuxin with a big smile.

"I know Senior Brother Hua has money, but I can't spend it recklessly. I know that Senior Brother wants to treat me well, but I can't waste Senior Brother's money." Feng Yuxin said softly, and these words made Hua Mingyu's heart feel even tighter. up.

Seeing how gentle and considerate the little junior sister is, it's really heart-wrenching.

"Brother, I don't know if there will be any good items in the auction in a few days. I want a better magic weapon for self-defense. Master gave me a lot of holy spirit stones this time. If there is one that suits me, I'll just buy one. If brother needs it, I'll buy one for him too." Feng Yuxin said delicately.

When Hua Mingyu heard these words, she almost pissed down. When did someone treat him so well? Such a caring little junior sister, um, must be taken down. The boring main room at home can't be divorced anymore, there is no other way, let's marry the younger junior sister as an ordinary wife. In the future, he will be nice to my junior sister.

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