My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1732 This old man is so cute

The villain in Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's heart was raising their arms and shouting, almost rolling over. No, this old man is really too cute and kind.

"Okay, let's not mention these two ugly things about them. Let's prepare kebabs." Master Hua rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically, took out the wine Gu Fenghua and the others bought, and poured it into a glass.

Gu Fenghua and Lonen smiled at each other, rolled up their sleeves, and prepared the kebabs.

"Hua Mingyu didn't call out? Just left obediently?" Taking time out, Gu Fenghua quietly asked Senior Brother Yang.

"How can it be?" Senior Brother Yang smiled honestly, "We blocked our mouths when we wanted to call out. We threw it out, how can we let him spoil Master's mood."

Gu Fenghua looked at the simple and honest smile on Senior Brother Yang's face, feeling complicated.

It is really hard to find such an apprentice who caringly solves master's worries and problems with a lantern. No wonder these two senior brothers rushed to jump out when she spoke at the chamber of commerce yesterday, they are really good apprentices! envious!



At this moment, Hua Mingyu covered her sore buttocks, and she was filled with anger. What kind of ecstasy soup did these two little sluts, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, pour their uncle into? To let uncle protect them like this. It's so hateful! See how he finds an opportunity to deal with them.

Why is my uncle treating me like this? I obeyed my father's words and came to visit obediently, and prepared so many gifts to show my sincerity. As a result, my uncle was so cruel and ruthless. No, I have to send a letter to my father.

When Hua Mingyu was wronged, she first thought of complaining to Lao Tzu.

But Hua Mingyu didn't know the truth. Hua Qianyuan was terrified of this second uncle. If his father hadn't stopped him when he was young, this second uncle would have smashed his ass. So Hua Qianyuan was both afraid and afraid of this second uncle. He wanted his son to please the second uncle, but he didn't tell his son that the second uncle didn't want to see him, and he was even more honest and jealous.

This also led to Hua Mingyu seeing Master Hua today, and it turned out that Master Hua was so ruthless.

Poor Hua Mingyu didn't know that her complaints would be of no use to Hua Qianyuan, so she went back to her place of residence angrily. , ready to find my junior sister to comfort my hurt heart.

Thinking of her gentle and considerate junior sister, Hua Mingyue's hurt heart warmed a little. He was secretly glad that he didn't bring his junior sister here today, otherwise how could he face his junior sister seeing how embarrassing he was today.


Hang Fenghua and Lornen are happily having a barbecue at the moment.

After Master Hua ate the meat grilled by Gu Fenghua, he was astonished. He kept asking Gu Fenghua what the seasonings he took out of the storage bracelet were and where they were bought.

These seasonings were told by her brothers before, saying that there are still many people in this world who don't know these seasonings, so they dare not use them. Gu Fenghua later collected a lot and put them in the storage bracelet. With these seasonings, Gu Fenghua's barbecue skills will naturally be improved to a higher level.

"I'll save some of these seasonings for you at that time, and you can find someone to find some later." Gu Fenghua suggested to Master Hua while explaining the names and uses of various seasonings.

"Okay, I didn't expect these inconspicuous little things to be so delicious when used for barbecue." Master Hua nodded repeatedly.

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