My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1734 Meeting You Really Is Fate

"Sure, I'm not kidding." Gu Fenghua nodded.

"Show me your handwriting." Master Hua said with a serious expression.

Seeing that Master Hua was so serious, Gu Fenghua also hurriedly stood up, calmed down carefully, and began to slowly type out the set of hands that he saw in the hall yesterday.

Under the astonished eyes of Master Hua and his three apprentices, Gu Fenghua finished this set of moves extremely smoothly.

"This?" The three apprentices looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes were filled with disbelief, and they were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

"Follow me." Master Hua's face became more solemn, he called Gu Fenghua, and then turned his head and told the three disciples to guard the door, not to be disturbed by anyone.

Gu Fenghua was also full of doubts, and followed Master Hua into the house.

Master Hua closed the door and window, then turned around to let Gu Fenghua sit down, and sat down himself.

"You mean, you will be able to read it once?" Master Hua asked again.

"Yes, I watched you do it yesterday, and I found that I wrote it down. Then I rehearsed it in my heart, and found it inexplicably familiar. But I'm sure I haven't learned it before." After Gu Fenghua knew Master Hua's nature, I didn't intend to hide my feelings.

"Do you know what is the most important thing in identification?" Master Hua suddenly asked.

"I really don't know." Gu Fenghua shook his head honestly.

"Cultivation, knowledge." Master Hua said slowly, "If you want to become an appraiser, you need to know a lot of things. Then we have to learn a lot of things and gain a lot of knowledge. I have a total of eight sets of hand formulas here, all of which use To appraise. Can identify the composition and function of things. And these also need to be supported by cultivation. For example, it is like a person who has just learned to appraise, even if he is strong, he can appraise the artifact, but he cannot identify it. of."

Gu Fenghua listened carefully, did not interrupt Master Hua's words, and continued to look forward to Master Hua's next words.

"However, even if you have learned a high-level identification technique, you can't identify a divine weapon if your strength is low. In other words, these two elements complement each other and are indispensable. But..." Master Hua looked at Gu Fenghua with complicated eyes when he said this, "But I have never met someone who can learn a set of hand formulas just by watching it once."

"I don't know why I learned it after watching it once." Gu Fenghua also didn't understand. In fact, she also knows this set of tactics very well, it is very profound and profound.

"There is only one explanation. You are the descendant of that person." Master Hua suddenly said such a sentence inexplicably.

"Ah?" Gu Fenghua was puzzled.

"Do you know a set of swordsmanship, and this set of swordsmanship has a total of eight styles." Master Hua stared at Gu Fenghua, and asked slowly and clearly.

Gu Fenghua was startled, and stared at Master Hua with wide eyes. Of course, she wasn't afraid that Master Hua would harm her if he was not a good person, but was astonished how could Master Hua know?

"It looks like it is. Don't be nervous, meeting you is indeed fate. Hahahaha, fate, fate." Master Hua laughed happily.

"Master, what are you talking about?" No matter how clever Gu Fenghua was, he still couldn't guess what Master Hua meant.

"You know, our family has been appraisers for generations. What we rely on are these eight sets of appraisal techniques." After confirming one thing at this time, Master Hua relaxed, and poured a cup of tea for Gu Fenghua , said slowly.

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