My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1737 Infinite benefits after learning

"I don't blame Master, it's me who is too radical." Gu Fenghua looked at Master Hua who blamed himself, and hurriedly comforted him.

"Fortunately, there is no serious problem. If something happens to you, I can't live with it." Master Hua said with some fear.

"I've memorized all the manuals. Thank you so much, Master, for giving me your all." Gu Fenghua got up and saluted Master Hua. She didn't know what the ancestors taught, what benefactors, but the other party didn't hide the slightest, and just taught this set of tactics.

"Oh, don't salute me, I'm borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, hahaha." Master Hua said openly.

Gu Fenghua understands that she has benefited a lot after learning this set of tactics, and Master Hua is simply giving her a huge treasure. Although Master Hua never cared about it, Gu Fenghua remembered this kindness in his heart. If there is a chance to repay in the future, she must be obliged.

When Gu Fenghua and Master Hua returned to the front yard, Luo Enen and Master Hua's disciples surrounded them.

Master Hua waved his hands in a good mood: "I am idle now, why don't you guys discuss with each other. Use up your lunch, and we will go to the restaurant to eat in the evening. Yang Jian, you go to the Lanshan Restaurant to book a private room first."

"Yes, Master." Senior Brother Yang responded respectfully, and hurriedly left.

The remaining two disciples and Luo Enen stared wide-eyed.

"Fenghua was not feeling well just now, so let's rest first. Enen, you and my two incompetent disciples should compete for a while." Master Hua greeted Gu Fenghua to sit with him under the eaves, and leisurely used incense Tea, and the fruit that the disciples had arranged for him a long time ago.

Gu Fenghua sat down as well, and looked at Luo Enen with a smile: "Well, you can compete with the seniors."

Luo Enen first looked at the two remaining senior brothers, and asked cautiously: "May I ask how the two senior brothers are trained?"

"Junior Sister Luo, don't be afraid, we will stop as soon as we order. We will definitely not hit hard. I am the second grade of Xuansheng. Brother Yuan is the first grade." Brother Zhu smiled amiably and comforted.

"Okay, okay, let's start then. Shall I discuss with Senior Brother Zhu first?" Luo Enen, who was cautious just now, seemed to be a different person now, his eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Ah, okay, let's go first." Brother Zhu didn't understand why Luo Enen had changed so much suddenly, but he still nodded in response.

Only Gu Fenghua, who was sitting on the eaves drinking tea, knew that Luo Enen was going to abuse someone, so he became excited. It's really a chicken thief, first ask about her cultivation level, if she is above her, she probably has a different face, she must be pitiful to let others show mercy. As a result, when I asked under myself, I saw a picture of a villain succeeding.

"Senior Brother Zhu, are you ready?" Lonen drew his sword with excitement on his face.

"Okay, Junior Sister Luo, please advise... oh, what kind of move is this?" Senior Brother Zhu let out a scream as soon as he finished saying the word "instruct". Because a bolt of lightning struck right at the head.

"Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword." Luo Enen bared his teeth and smiled, "Senior Brother Zhu, be careful!" Now Luo Enen's strength is already at the fifth rank of Profound Sage. Wouldn't it be an easy task to compete with senior brother Zhu of the second rank of Xuansheng?

"You're a bit measured." Gu Fenghua couldn't help reminding the smug Lonen.

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