My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1748 Someday I will be enlightened

What kind of snacks are in this small cloth bag? Inside are two bottles of elixir, and there is a small box containing two leaves. The leaves smell very fragrant, and I don't know what they are used for.

Gu Hanyan hurriedly took her things and went to the next door to find her junior brother.

"Junior brother, look, what is this leaf that Fenghua gave me?" Gu Hanyan handed the small cloth bag to Liang Ruofeng.

Liang Ruofeng took it and took a closer look: "The leaves inside seem to be used to filter the miasma. I saw it in the Zongmen's bookstore. But, why did she give you this? The one in this porcelain bottle should be Elixir..."

Liang Ruofeng's voice stopped abruptly when he saw the elixir in the porcelain bottle.

All are heaven-rank pills! Although they are all medicines for healing and meditation, they are all heaven-level. The efficacy of the medicine is not comparable to that of ordinary pills.

They had to go through the Northern Darkness Wasteland, and Liang Ruofeng didn't think they would be so lucky and safe from danger. So they also prepared a lot of pills, but they didn't have such good pills.

As soon as Gu Fenghua made a shot, it was two bottles of pills. There are at least twenty pieces in a bottle.

Such a precious gift...

"It's too expensive, we can't take it." Gu Hanyan snatched the vase and wanted to return it.

"Senior Sister, do you think that Senior Sister Fenghua will take back what she gave away?" Liang Ruofeng said aloud, he didn't sit there all day for nothing. He was also carefully observing Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, and finally came to the conclusion that these two people could be handed over.

"That's true." Gu Hanyan stopped, and said with some distress, "She gave me such an expensive gift, what should I give?"

"Believe it or not, thank you, Senior Sister Fenghua and Senior Sister Luo will only say what you want to thank, please treat us to more delicious food." Liang Ruofeng said helplessly.

"Hahahaha, yes, it's really their style, but I like it." Gu Hanyan laughed loudly, but after laughing, she remembered something, and looked at Liang Ruofeng suspiciously, "I said, junior, you just know them, so you know So thorough, do you have any interest in Fenghua? Haha, could it be love at first sight?"

"Senior sister, what nonsense are you talking about!" Liang Ruofeng was anxious.

"Oh, I'm just kidding, just to tease you. You stupid brain, one day you will be enlightened, and it will definitely rain red." Gu Hanyan smiled, and handed the porcelain bottle in her hand to Liang Ruofeng, "Put it away. And this Leaves, one piece per person."

Stuffing it into Liang Ruofeng's arms, Gu Hanyan hurried out and closed the door behind her.

Liang Ruofeng looked at the closed door, with a tender smile on his face, and helplessly muttered softly: "You are the one with a stupid head..."

A good night's sleep.

Gu Fenghua woke up early in the morning and opened his eyes, and met three brats!

Both Jiao Juju and Xiong Cub lay on her pillow, staring at her with wide eyes, obviously waiting for her to wake up. After Gu Fenghua sat up, he was startled again by the cheap standing beside the bed.

Jianjian is shaking her flower plate excitedly.

"Master, where is that sister from yesterday?" The three brats were arguing in Gu Fenghua's mind at the same time.

"Be quiet." Gu Fenghua's head was dizzy from the noise, "She will come over at noon, and she will bring the roast goose like yesterday."

Well, my mind is cleared up.

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