The four decided to go back to the cabin to have dinner and practice. After entering the cabin, Jianjian came out and pestered Gu Hanyan to want to eat barbecue. Gu Hanyan loves Jianjian, so she naturally satisfied her request and shook her head happily.

Time passed like this day by day, and it was getting farther and farther away from Lanshan City. Gradually entered the periphery of Beiming Wasteland.

As soon as he entered the outskirts of the wasteland, he was attacked by monsters. But there are not many monsters who come to attack, and their strength is not very good. Without notifying the disciples on the ship to help, the guards took care of it on their own.

Hearing the noisy voices outside, Gu Fenghua's face was a little dignified. Just after entering the Beiming Wasteland, there were monsters attacking. Although the number is not large and the strength is not strong, but this is only the periphery. What if you go deeper?

At noon, Gu Hanyan and Liang Ruofeng came again. Gu Hanyan is a drunkard who doesn't want to drink, but actually mainly comes to see the cheap. As soon as Jianjian saw Gu Hanyan coming, she happily circled around her.

After eating, Gu Hanyan couldn't help but asked Gu Fenghua: "Fenghua, do you have something on your mind, what happened?"

"I was thinking, along the way here, maybe we will encounter powerful monsters." Gu Fenghua said in a deep voice.

"I've thought about this too." Gu Hanyan sighed, "But time is fate, we have met, of course we have to fight, and neither of us wants to die. But there is really nothing we can do, that can only be called fate. Only in the next life can I be a beautiful woman."

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen both smiled when they heard the free-spirited and narrow tone at the end.

Liang Ruofeng was in a hurry: "I won't let anything happen to you."

"Okay, okay, I know my junior is good to me." Gu Hanyan didn't take it seriously, and comforted her with a smile on her face.

Liang Ruofeng was a little depressed, he turned his head and didn't look at Gu Hanyan in anger. Gu Hanyan didn't care too much, and continued to tease and play.

Gu Fenghua frowned slightly, as if he had discovered something serious. It's just that Gu Hanyan, the wood, seems to be unconscious.


What worried Gu Fenghua happened soon.

As the flying boat continued to penetrate deep into the Beiming Wasteland, the number of monster attacks increased, and the number also increased.

The guards on the flying boat repelled the attacks of the monsters again and again. Some disciples also spontaneously went up to help, which can be regarded as experience.

Gu Fenghua and the others were standing on the deck at the moment, watching the fleeing monsters disappear into the Beiming Wasteland.

Gu Fenghua turned his head to look at Gu Hanyan, and the two exchanged glances.

"You found out too?" Gu Fenghua asked in a low voice.

"Yes, the attacking monsters are getting stronger and stronger." Gu Hanyan looked at the guards who were repairing not far away, and said in a low voice, "They are struggling to deal with it now. If they continue walking, they will probably be unable to resist .”

"However, it's really strange." Liang Ruofeng also opened his mouth. "Before I set off, I specifically inquired that the flying boat would encounter monsters when passing through the Beiming Wasteland. But it's not so frequent."

Hearing this, Gu Fenghua frowned slightly. She hadn't inquired about this, and Liu Guanshi hadn't said anything about it either.

If it was true what Liang Ruofeng said, then their itinerary this time is really a bit strange. Is there any reason why monsters attack so frequently?

For Gu Hanyan, Gu Fenghua really liked this hearty girl, and of course he didn't want anything to happen to her. After thinking about it, she took off the little white flower from her ear and pinned it to Gu Hanyan's ear.

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