My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1752 The heart is stable because of her

Gu Fenghua had already run out with Lonen at this time. Gu Hanyan and Liang Ruofeng also rushed over in surprise.

There were already screams at the entrance of the inner corridor. It was obvious that there were people and monsters who were close to the entrance, but they were outnumbered.

Gu Fenghua didn't say any more, drew his sword and rushed forward quickly. If monsters attacked, the place would be narrow, which would be bad for them. Also, monsters must not be allowed to destroy the flying boat. If the flying boat is destroyed, it will be even more difficult to cross the Beiming Wasteland.

Fortunately, the monsters that rushed in were all small monsters. These monsters are small in size and fast in movement, so their attack power is not strong.

Even so, some disciples were injured by surprise.

With a sullen face, Gu Fenghua killed all the way.

"Bitch!" Gu Fenghua snorted coldly.

The next moment, the little white flower hanging on Gu Hanyan's ear fell down and turned into a long vine in mid-air, and began to leap forward quickly. Wherever it went, countless little vines stretched out, covering the Those monsters that broke in were all tightly tied up. Then many small thorns emerged from the vines, and pierced fiercely into the bodies of these monsters.

If the cheap toxin is allowed to blow up by itself, it will definitely blow a rainbow fart. So when it stabs down, many monsters lose their mobility in an instant, but this instant is enough.

Enough for these disciples to fight back. After cleaning up the little monsters in the inner corridor quickly, the eyes of everyone looking at Gu Fenghua changed.

This girl actually has such a powerful demon plant. Everyone was a little flustered just now because of the sneak attack of the monster, but at this moment they calmed down a little.

Gu Fenghua took the lead and rushed to the front, and the others followed closely behind. Jianjian slipped back to Gu Hanyan's side again, because Gu Fenghua ordered it in his mind to protect Gu Hanyan and Liang Ruofeng. Because she could see that the strength of the senior sister and brother was not high.

When a group of people rushed to the deck, a guard commander stood at the highest place and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and drive all these monsters down, we will immediately activate the defensive formation. Let's work together, we can't let it go!" These monsters destroy the airship, otherwise we will have no way to cross the Northern Darkness Wasteland."

Gu Fenghua looked at the fine beads of sweat on the commander's forehead and the shock in his eyes, and realized that this time the monster attack was no small matter.

When the guards were organizing the disciples on the flying boat to resist the monsters, Gu Fenghua found that he did not see Hua Qianyue. He thought that Hua Qianyue was at the place where the formation mechanism was activated. However, Hua Mingyu was not there either. Think about it too, in such a dangerous scene, some people will spontaneously resist the monsters, but some people are afraid of death, selfish and will not show up.

"Everyone work harder, the defensive formation will be opened soon. At that time, the monsters outside will no longer be able to come in. We will be safe if we kill the monsters locked in the defensive formation together." The guard commander jumped down, The sword slashed at a monster, loudly cheering everyone up.

When everyone heard these words from the leader, they became motivated, and they all raised their swords and started fighting with the monsters that kept coming up.

For a moment, on the deck of the flying boat, there was chaos with the lights of various spells and the roar of monsters.

More and more monsters came up continuously, like a tide, and they couldn't be killed no matter what. And the monsters behind are getting stronger and stronger.

What about the defensive formation?

Why is it not turned on yet?

This question is in everyone's mind.

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