Gu Fenghua smiled knowingly: "Thank you."

"No thanks." Li Lili smiled with crooked eyebrows and a round apple face with a little baby fat, which looked very cute. Gu Fenghua couldn't help but wonder how old this little girl was. Maybe twelve? To be able to participate in a practice study in a school at such a young age shows that he is extremely talented.

"Be careful." The handsome man next to Li Lili had a serious face, swallowed a pill, and said in a low voice: "A heavenly monster has appeared. What's going on this time?"

"Brother, are you okay? I still have some pills here." Li Lili looked worried, "You gave me most of the pills..."

As soon as Gu Fenghua heard it, he understood that they were a pair of brother and sister. And the elder brother dotes on the younger sister very much. Gu Fenghua also thought of his brothers at this moment.

However, did brother Li also find this trip very strange? It was like encountering a wave of small monsters.

Or were these monsters just driven over by that celestial monster to consume their strength, and then waited for the celestial monster to come over by itself before "dining"?

Gu Fenghua was taken aback by the guess in his mind. Will monsters be so particular about strategy?

However, the IQ of high-level monsters is indeed astonishing, not inferior to human beings, and may even be higher than human beings. Monster beasts that have reached a certain level of strength can even transform into human form. And those who have the blood of the ancients or the blood of the beast are smarter, but this kind of growth takes a long time.

"These monsters seem to be a little weaker?" Gu Hanyan suddenly said.

"No..." Gu Fenghua frowned, "It's not that they're weak, but that these monsters didn't do their best."

The deck under their feet was already covered with blood, but most of them were monsters. In the fierce fight just now, both humans and monsters were injured. From the beginning, humans had the upper hand, to the stalemate later, and now the monsters showed their intention to retreat.

The guess in Gu Fenghua's mind became more and more clear, and also more and more frightened.

At this moment, a scream sounded.

The dark salamander's tail swept across fiercely, hitting several people. The few people who were hit by the tyrannical force flew out at that time, and then some fell heavily on the deck, some hung on the mast, and some were even more unlucky and fell off the airship. His companion is jumping frantically to save him.

"Don't mess up, continue to form the formation." Hua Qianyue shouted angrily, her body didn't move, she still stood at the front. At this moment, he was very embarrassed, and there were three scratches on his shoulders, and the bones were deep. Moreover, black blood flowed out from the wound, apparently injured by the front paw of the dark newt and poisoned. But he didn't even have the chance to swallow the elixir, and he still stood at the front of the sword formation with a solemn face.

Hua Mingyu brandished his sword and resisted with difficulty. He seemed to know that if he didn't fight for a while, he would have nothing to fight, so he really tried his best. Next to him was his little junior sister, who was also struggling to resist.

The next moment, Gu Fenghua was surprised to see that the little junior sister Hua Mingyue loved very much quickly retreated behind Hua Mingyu because she lost to the monster in front of her, stretched out her hand and pushed Hua Mingyu, pushing him away. to the front.

Ouch, this operation is really 6.

Gu Fenghua quickly withdrew his eyes and concentrated on dealing with the monster in front of him. She felt right, these monsters had already given up and planned to run away. As for Hua Mingyu, she was in no mood to pay attention. If you are mentally retarded, just ask for blessings.

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