"Finished formation!" Hua Qianyue roared angrily. The guards he brought were not weak, and this sword formation was created by a school, so it was quite powerful. So last time I was able to hurt the dark salamander. But this time with two dark salamanders, it might not be so easy.

Hua Mingyu watched this scene tremblingly, and stood behind the formation formed by Hua Qianyue and the others. He originally wanted to ask Feng Yuxin to hide too, but Feng Yuxin didn't even look at him, but stared at the little bear cub under Gu Fenghua's feet.

When is this, are you still thinking about other people's pets? Save your life first! Hua Mingyu vomited blood angrily, and wanted to ask Feng Yuxin to hide, but knew that his opening would arouse public anger. It will also shake people's hearts. They are all fighting with their lives against monsters, at least on the surface. As soon as he shouted, come here and hide, wouldn't that push him to the forefront?

He is stupid, but not completely stupid.

Feng Yuxin never took her eyes off the cub. Of course, Gu Fenghua also noticed the burning eyes. When she turned her head, she met Feng Yuxin's eyes.

What kind of look is that! Filled with loathing, hatred, even hatred. His eyes were full of strong emotions wishing to cut her into pieces.

Gu Fenghua was taken aback, she didn't know this girl at all, right? There was no intersection either. This girl named Feng Yuxin seems to be Hua Mingyu's junior junior sister, but even if she has a feud with Hua Mingyu, she shouldn't have such terrible emotions when fighting for Hua Mingyue.

Hua Mingyu, who has been bullied, has never looked at her with such hatred. Why is this junior sister's hatred much stronger than Hua Mingyu's hatred. There is something strange!

Feng Yuxin's gaze towards Gu Fenghua did not hold back in any way, she still looked at her coldly, as if she was looking at an enemy who could not be sworn in.

Luo Enen felt Gu Fenghua's abnormality, followed Gu Fenghua's eyes, and saw Feng Yuxin's cold eyes. Lornen's heart tightened, this man's eyes were so terrifying. We must beware of her for a while, and don't let her have the opportunity to plot against Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua withdrew his eyes, but still paid attention to Feng Yuxin's movements. Because that look is too deep. Guaranteed that this woman will take advantage of the chaos and lay hands on her.

After Hua Qianyue led the crowd to kill the monster that climbed up, he shouted: "Go down, everyone down, if this continues, the flying boat will be damaged. If the flying boat is broken, we really can't pass through Beiming Wasteland."

It was only at this time that everyone realized that the flying boat was indeed damaged a lot during the fight. If this continues, the flying boat may be completely damaged and unable to fly as Hua Qianyue said.

The battle turned to the airship below.

When Gu Fenghua jumped down, he also paid attention to Feng Yuxin's movements. Sure enough, Feng Yuxin was slowly approaching here. Gu Fenghua really couldn't figure out how she and this girl had an enmity.

The strength of the first-class disciples should not be underestimated, and they had reservations before. But now, they all broke out and showed their housekeeping skills. For a moment, the intense rays of light from various sword techniques dazzled people's eyes. The disciples who went to Yiyi Academy to cultivate were all the best in the sect. There is no doubt about the Zongmen's expectations and training for them, and each of them has one or several magical artifacts to protect them.

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