My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1770 Beautiful woman who can't speak

Gu Fenghua carried him back and put him on the bed. Looking at the face of the person on the bed, Gu Fenghua became more and more amazed.

This person is really beautiful. It's so beautiful that you can't forget it once you see it.

Lornen was also staring at the person on the bed with wide eyes.

Luo Enen took out a piece of fruit and began to bite and muttered: "This girl is so beautiful. I finally understand what it means to be beautiful and delicious. Looking at her while eating, I have a great appetite."

"Idioms don't seem to be used in this way." Gu Hanyan was a little puzzled, then she nodded and looked at the person on the bed, "But this girl is really pretty."

"I'm going back to rest first." Liang Ruofeng saw that nothing happened, so he turned around and went back. Li Mingyu took Li Lili and left as well.

Gu Hanyan also left with Jianjian, leaving only Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen. Lornen gnawed on the fruit at the person on the bed. Gu Fenghua was thinking about other things.

Gu Fenghua didn't notice when Luo Enen left, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that there were only her and the person on the bed left in the room.

Gu Fenghua reached out his hand to feel the pulse of the person on the bed, and found that the person's internal breath had stabilized, and the internal injuries had also eased, so he finally felt relieved.

However, when Gu Fenghua was about to retract his hand, he raised his head slightly and met a pair of dark eyes.

"Are you awake?" Gu Fenghua smiled slightly. She didn't expect this person to wake up so quickly, "It's all right now. This is on the cloud-crossing flying boat, a flying cloud-crossing boat sent by a school to Lanshan City to pick up disciples from various sects."

The person on the bed didn't speak, just stared at her silently.

"Girl, what's your surname?" Gu Fenghua thought that the other party hadn't recovered, and asked softly.

Gu Fenghua did not see that when she asked this sentence, complex emotions flashed through the eyes of the person on the bed.

Gu Fenghua was waiting for the other party's answer, but the other party was still silent, just looking at her dumbly. Gu Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, could this girl not be able to speak?

The next moment, the person on the bed sat up slowly, and with one hand on his other palm, slowly wrote a white character.

I really can't speak. Gu Fenghua was a little surprised, she had been focusing on checking this person's internal injuries before, but she didn't pay attention to checking her throat. I don't know if it's natural or acquired. Gu Fenghua couldn't ask about other people's flaws, so he told her about the current situation: "Girl Bai, my surname is Gu, and my first name is Gu Fenghua. The defensive formation of our flying boat cannot be activated because the formation disk has been destroyed. One There have been monsters attacking on the road. You were the one we discovered after fighting the monsters."

Miss Bai nodded to Gu Fenghua and smiled to show her gratitude.

Gu Fenghua felt a little sad, such a beautiful woman is a cripple.

"Why did you appear here alone? Are you alone or are you separated from your companions? Do you want to cross the Beiming Wasteland or come here to practice?" Although Gu Fenghua saved Miss Bai, he didn't care about it, so he thought ask clearly.

The white girl nodded at Gu Fenghua, got out of bed and walked to the table, and took out a pen and paper from her storage ring. Started to write words.

Gu Fenghua leaned over, and after seeing the words on the paper clearly, he was a little surprised. The words written by this white girl are so magnificent.

I saw something written on the paper: I was framed by someone and ended up living here. Thank you Miss Gu for saving my life.

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