My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1786 Reverse black and white, dig a hole first

"Thank you, Mr. Yuanzheng, for your praise. The reason I came to see you this time is because of his affairs, and I have something to ask from you." Hua Qianfeng said.

"Do you want him to come to my Liangyi Academy to practice? It's just a matter of one sentence." Shen Zhengxing said generously.

You must know that there is a backer behind Hua Qianfeng—a backer that he doesn't want to offend easily, and his coming to a school is just for experience. Going to curry favor with Hua Qianfeng will definitely give him face, just accept Hua Mingyu and give him a favor.

Anyway, a school only opens every hundred years or hundreds of years to accept disciples, and the number of disciples it recruits each time is quite a lot, one less, a lot more, and no more. Besides, in terms of appearance alone, this Hua Mingyu is still capable, so he won't lose his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Yuanzheng!" Hua Qianfeng saluted again.

"Disciple pays homage to Lord Yuanzheng!" Hua Mingyu even lay down on the ground and saluted, almost throwing herself to the ground.

It has to be said that since he suffered successive setbacks and bullying under Gu Fenghua's hands, this guy's arrogance has decreased a lot, and he has become much smarter.

"No need to be too polite, no need to be too polite." Shen Zhengxing helped Hua Mingyu up with a smile.

"By the way, Mr. Yuanzheng, there is one more thing, and I would also like to ask you for your help." Hua Qianfeng said again.

"Even though Master Hua said clearly, as long as I, Shen Zhengxing, do my best, I will never refuse." Shen Zhengxing said straightforwardly.

"My nephew was born in the Shuiyun Sect, and the Shuiyun Sect and the Nanli Sect have been friends and married for generations. A few days ago, he went to the Nanli Sect to seek marriage, but was humiliated by the Nanli Sect's disciples in every possible way, and was seriously injured in the end! "Hua Qianyuan said angrily.

"What, don't they know that Ming Yu is your nephew?" Hearing this, Shen Zhengxing asked in surprise.

"So what if I know, my second brother went to Lanshan City to receive disciples this time, and they clearly knew about the relationship between second brother and Ming Yu, but they didn't apologize to them, and even disrespected my second brother in every possible way in front of them! He is so angry that the Nanli sect has been in decline for many years, and he still relies on the support of the Shuiyun sect to persevere until today, so he is so arrogant!" Hua Qianyuan snorted coldly, and his expression became even more angry.

"What, even knowing that your second brother is a member of a school, you still dare to disrespect your second brother. It's clear that you don't take our school seriously. This Nanli sect is so grand!" Shen Zhengxing was furious furious.

The relationship between Nanlizong and Shuiyunzong has nothing to do with him, but he can't ignore the matter of Hua Qianyue and Hua Qianfeng. You must know that even though Hua Qianyue and Hua Qianfeng are not disciples of the same school, they are just It's just that they came here to experience the qualifications of gangsters, but after all, they are still members of Nanlizong, and they are still in important positions. Nanlizong's disrespect to him is disrespect to Dao Academy, and of course it is also disrespect to Shen Zhengxing.

To put it more bluntly, this is to despise the majesty of a school, and even despise the emperor and envoy. Even if Hua Qianyue and Hua Qianfeng can bear it, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Nanli Sect is said to have been one of the Holy Sects." Hua Mingyu said.

"Holy sect? By the way, I remembered that there used to be a holy sect named Nanli sect, but that was a matter of how many years ago, it seems to have been tens of thousands of years. Do they really think that relying on With the name of the Holy Sect tens of thousands of years ago, you will never be insolent forever." Shen Zhengxing thought for a while, but he had a vague impression of Nanli Sect, but he obviously didn't take it seriously.

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